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Wanda Maximoff

*6 months later*

"Good morning my babies" I said to the twins (who were already sitting up and smiling once I walked into the room).

They turned 10 months yesterday and were already super heavy. I struggled to pick up them both up but once I did, I took them into the living room.

"Happy thanksgiving my little munchkins" Nat gushed while grabbing Piper and ticking her. I readjusted Ria in my arms and smiled at my wife and daughter.

Kenya soon appeared with Ezra in her arms. He was so big to only be 9 1/2 months old.

But it made sense considering he was a god.

"Good morning ladies" she smiled once she saw us.

The past few months had been a healing process. Kenya decided to not get a divorce but she was still separated from us. Though, as the days went on, she's been getting more and more comfortable.

We got into couples therapy and she started to kiss us again, and would sometimes sleep in our bed.  But she wasn't totally ready, which was fine.

We were almost back to normal, and I was just thankful for that.

"It smells so good in here" She inhaled the scent of the food coming from the kitchen.

"Sam makes the best turkey" Nat said

"I actually prefer his ham" I giggled while walking towards the kitchen. My wives followed while the babies giggled and babbled to themselves.

"Good morning babe" I greeted to my husband. Sam had been cooking since yesterday and was now finishing up some side dishes.

"It's almost noon" He laughed

"Almost but not yet so technically it's still morning time" Kenya said. Sam rolled his eyes and motioned her over to him.

He then gave her a quick kiss and then kissed Ezra on the cheek. He repeated the act with Nat and myself.

"Y'all get outta here so I can finish cooking. I'm almost done"

"Why we gotta get out for you to finish cooking?" Kenya challenged

"Because I need to focus and I won't be focused if y'all are in here" Said Sam

"Is our beauty just too much for you to handle?" Kenya asked

"Yes, but don't worry cuz I'll deal with you and your beauty later on" Sam said with a wink

Kenya's eyes widened before she sucked her teeth and walked out.

"THAT'S WHAT I THOUGHT" He yelled after her. He gave Nat and I one more kiss before kicking us out.

"Happy Thanksgiving" We heard from the front door. Rhodey, Bruce, Stephen, and Vision walked through the doors with containers of food in their hands

The rest of my husbands quickly came from downstairs and greeted them.

My wives and I waited for them to end their little "bro moment" before we took our turn at greeting them.

"Kenya, you're glowing. Is another baby on the way?" Rhodey asked teasingly

"Hell no. You act like we don't already have three of these things" Kenya says while squishing Ezra's cheeks.

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