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Bruce Banner

I was...worried to say the least. Kenya came into the compound with Ezra yesterday evening, saying she was done.

I didn't exactly know what that meant until her partners came down here this morning. Kenya didn't know about that- considering the look on her face when she saw them- but she only paid attention to the twins the whole 3 hours they stayed here.

I mean, didn't speak a word to them. Didn't really look at them. Only interacted with the babies.

When they were about to leave, Tony asked if they could talk- and she shook her head.

Then I realized what done meant. She was done with the relationship- and that's something I'd never thought I'd see.

I mean, they're all so head over heels for one another...yet this happens.

I don't know what the breaking point for her was, and I'm not going to ask- I just hope she's okay.

I mean, she seems okay?

Every time I ask if she's doing okay she gives me a light smile and a nod.

She's been helping me with experiments while Ezra naps and she even let me feed him.

I got a bit nervous- considering I do the whole "turn into a big green rage monster" thing. But it was quite soothing. The babies are such good, quiet kids.

They rarely cry- and they're so sweet.

"Does Ezra have any powers?" I asked while Kenya and I sat on the couch. Ezra was napping in the bassinet that was near us.

"Too soon to tell, I think" She simply said. I nodded and we returned to silence. I couldn't help but wonder what was going on inside her head.

Sometimes I catch her crying a little- that usually happens when she zones out for a couple seconds, but the crying always stops and ends with her wiping up those tears and reverting back to a neutral facial expression.

"You know, I can watch Ezra while you work. You seem like you need just a few hours to yourself"

She grinned, "Thanks Bruce. That'll be nice"

Back to the silence, briefly.

"You know, you're family. You can ask" She said

"It's not my business"

"But I feel like I owe you an explanation- considering I've abruptly moved in here"

"No you don't. It's only been a day, I'm not sick of you yet"

That made her laugh, and that made me happy.

"Ask. It's okay" She reassured me

I sighed and said, "How bad was it?"

"Bad" She said, "Bad enough for me to leave"

"Divorce?" I asked

"Yeah... at least that's how I feel now. I thought once I had a good night's sleep and thought it over I'd change my mind...I hadn't changed my mind"

"What about the twins?"

"I'll see them everyday. I texted them late last night and said I'll be constantly giving updates on Ezra- but they'll see him everyday."

"Are you gonna speak to your lawyers?" I asked

"Well, all of us got married to one another in Asgard. You know we couldn't be legally married in the U.S.- but I am technically married to Tony. We signed the marriage license at our 2nd ceremony here. So, he just needs to sign the divorce papers"

"Where's Thor?"

"Asgard" She huffed, "I know he knows... he tried to call me last night. I know it wasn't fair to make this decision while he was gone but... I'm so over it"

"You need to call him"

"I will."

"Today" I emphasized. She rolled her eyes and nodded

"I'll watch Ezra. Go ahead and do it"

Kenya Capri

I took a quick glance at my son before getting up and going in the other room to call Thor. I wasn't nervous or anything, which was strange.

I was just ready to explain and be done with it.

So, I dialed his number- and he picked up on the 2nd ring.

"Hello darling" He greeted

"Hi" I said back

"I heard you all had a fight yesterday. Have you guys worked it out?"

"No" I admitted, " I want a divorce Thor"

There was a slight pause

"Gods" he stressed, "I thought you would have changed your mind by the morning"

"So did I" I said, "But I'm done. Y'all are always considering my feelings last, y'all always pile up on me, I'm the last to know things- hell, they basically called me a bad mother yesterday"

"Baby I wasn't even there, how about we all talk about it when I get back?"

"There or not Thor, you still do it. Seriously, I'm tired of this mess"

"What about the kids? Don't you think they should be raised in the same house?"

"Yes, but if me staying with y'all means y'all are gonna treat me the way you've been treating me- then I'm not doing it. I'm not gonna stay in a toxic situation."

"We're sorry, Kenya. Okay? We are all sorry. I promise we'll do better"

"Didn't y'all say that when you spied on me?"

No answer

"Exactly. I'm through with y'all. How is it that I'm married to all seven of you and y'all all do this shit? Like damn, the fuck did I do?"

"Nothing! It was our mistake"

"You made several mistakes. And until shit actually starts to change, I'm done. I'll hold off on getting the divorce papers, but y'all gon' have to show me. Because right now, it seems like y'all don't give a damn about me"

I didn't even give him the chance to say anything before I hung up.

Maybe I did make an irrational decision while upset- but oddly enough, I don't regret it.

It's gonna take a hell of a lot of work to win me back. So I hope they have something up their sleeves.


Sorry for mistakes ❤️

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