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Kenya Capri

*4 months later*

"Happy eight months baby" I smiled. Wanda gave a shy grin and pulled me in for a hug.

Though, our stomachs were so big that she couldn't even wrap her arms around me. We settled on a side hug and a quick kiss.

I was 7 1/2 months pregnant, and so ready to give birth.

Suddenly, she let out a loud yelp and held onto her belly.

"Baby what's the matter?" I asked. She shook her head, trying to say it was no big deal. But soon enough, she let out a louder scream and nearly fell to the ground.

I ran to get our spouses, who had all been outside gardening. They all ran inside and immediately crowded around Wanda.

"She's holding her stomach and screaming" I informed them. I watched as Sam and Steve frantically went searching for her pre-packed baby bags. Buck was holding her up and Tony was on the phone with the doctor. Natasha sprinted outside to start the car.

Once they found the baby bags, we hurried to the car.

Natasha drove with Thor in the passenger seat, Wanda sat in the next row with Tony and Sam on either side of her, and I sat on the next row with Steve and Bucky on either side of me.

"Guys I feel dizzy" Wanda admitted before briefly passing out. She came back in maybe 30 seconds.

"Oh hell no" I heard Sam mumble before looking around and grabbing a random folder out the seatback pocket.

(A/N: I know some cars don't have a seatback pocket so some probably don't know what it is- it's basically just a pocket on the back of the driver and passengers seat)

He began to fan her. I watched as my wife titled her head back and breathe out her mouth.

She looked so miserable, and so scared.

I think everyone had been holding their breaths, because the car was near dead silent. The only thing that could be heard was Wanda's breathing.

Tears began to fall out my eyes as I sniffed- gaining the attention of seemingly everyone.

"Kenya don't cry" Wanda said quietly, "Don't stress baby, you're still pregnant"

I said nothing and tried controlling my crying. I didn't want it to get out of control, that could lead to scaring Wanda even more.

"Calm down baby" Wanda's soothing voice said

"Stop worrying about me" I was able to choke out, "How do you f-feel?"

"Dizzy" She stated bluntly

We pulled up at our Doctor's office and got out. Sam and Tony walked with Wanda while the rest of us walked ahead. Thor opened the door and we all stood there until she walked in.

Once we got in there, we were met with our doctor and a nurse standing there with a wheelchair. She helped Wanda into it and motioned for us to follow her.

"You say she's been screaming and holding her stomach?" Dr. Hernandez asked

"Yes. And she fainted in the car"

"For how long?"

"Couple seconds. She said she's dizzy"

She nodded and instructed the nurse to take Wanda into a room. She took us to a nice little waiting room.

"We're going to have to do an emergency cesarean."

"A what?" Thor asked

"C-section." The doctor clarified

"I do not understand" He looked at me with curious eyes

"That means they have to cut Wanda open to get the babies out" I said

Thor's eyes widened before sitting down, "Is it going to hurt her?"

"We give her medicine so she doesn't feel it- and she's going to be awake the whole time. After that, we're gonna stitch her up"

A nurse came in and nodded at her, she nodded back.

"Okay guys, Wanda is prepped and ready. Unfortunately only one person can go in with her."

We all looked around at each other. And, to my surprise, my spouses chose me.

"Okay Kenya, come with me."

I took a deep breath and followed her into the room where they prepped me. The baby was kicking-making me more nervous- but I walked into the hospital room where Wanda was.

And 15, maybe 20 minutes later... our twin girls were born.

Both premature, both a little underweight...but healthy besides that.

"They're perfect" I whispered.

"What should we name them?" I asked my wife. Happy tears left her eyes.

"Piper Quinn Rame" she paused, "and Ria Sienna Rame"

"Unique names" I laughed, "But I like them"

The doctors showed us each twin. Piper had dark, red hair while Ria's hair was more of a dirty blond. They both had dark brown eyes and Wanda's fair skin.

"Congratulations" Doctor Hernandez grinned

It was such a joyous time...

But that joy was brief

Sorry for mistakes ❤️

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