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Tony Stark

"I can't believe you left us" I said truthfully, "All these years...and you left"

"Tony don't be rude" Sam told me.

"Let him speak. This is an open discussion. Say whatever is on your mind" Kenya encouraged.

God she looked so beautiful.

She got her hair done. It was now a jet black with a green streak in it. The black mini dress she had on complimented her nails (that were a matte black) and she had on opened toed shoes, revealing her freshly painted white toes.

She got her lashes and eyebrows done, and a new piercing.

All in three days.


"You got a new piercing" I pointed out.

"Did a lot of shit yesterday." She chuckled, "hence the hair color and stuff"

"It looks nice on you" I complimented, "why the green?"

"Loki suggested it."

I nodded, understanding.

"Let's get back on the subject" Nat said. I agreed and began to talk;

"I understand why you're upset. We fucked up, there's no doubt about that. But did you have to leave?"

"Yes" She answered quite quickly, "That was my last straw"

"And you're sure about this?"

"I just said I was giving y'all a small chance. A really small chance. 90% of me is sure, but there's a 10% that just won't let me hand you those papers yet"

"I'm glad for that 10%" I admit, "We can't imagine our lives without you"

"You'll never have to. We have children together" She reminded us, "I'll be in your lives forever, and vice versa. Just not in a romantic way"

"You sound so done" Nat deadpanned. She had been silently crying in a corner. I could tell it hurt Kenya to see the tears in Nat's eyes- but she didn't let up.

Kenya hesitated before crossing her arms and lowering her head. She was trying not to cry- but didn't want us to see.

If I'm being honest, seeing her show emotion made me a little relieved.

She gathered herself quickly and lifted her head.

"I still want us to spend holidays and birthdays together. I want the kids to be together all the time"

"Then come back home" Thor said quietly, "Please"

"You know I can't do that. I'm already giving you a chance- don't ask for too much at once"

She got up and walked towards the kid's room. It didn't take her long to kiss the twins bye and grab Ezra.

"I'll be here to see my girls tomorrow. When Ezra and I move into the new house, I'll give y'all the address and a spare key. The key is only for emergencies"

"We each get a key?" Nat asked

"No. I'm giving y'all one key. I'll probably give it to Steve"

"Why him?" Sam asked with a small glint of offense and jealousy

"Because he's the most responsible. Y'all don't need to lose this key because if you do, you don't get another one"

She let all of us kiss Ezra goodbye and even gave us side hugs before leaving.

"She's moving on too fast" I said as soon as the door closed, "She already found a house? She changed her hair!"

"What does her changing her hair got to do with anything?" Bucky questioned

"When a woman changes her hair after a breakup...she's done" Sam said, "But Kenya said she's giving us a chance"

"Yeah, 10% of a chance. She said she's 90% sure she wants a divorce."

"We heard her" Thor said with an attitude. He has been so stressed out since he got back.

We all have.

"So what the hell are we gonna do? Because I'm not losing my wife over this shit. We have to do something" I say

"Maybe we can take her out to dinner?" Bucky suggested

"This is bigger than dinner. Maybe she wants to go on vacation?"

"A shopping spree?"

"Go out dancing?"

"No! She deserves more than that" Thor thundered

"Calm down sparkles. We're gonna get her back. No matter how much or how long it takes"


Sorry for mistakes ❤️

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