Chapter One

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Kadence P.O.V 

"Don't look at his butt! Don't look, Don't look!" I mumbled to myself over and over as I watched the hottest guy in the world walk past me. 

 He had chocolate brown hair, emerald green eyes and a body that made me want to shove him into the nearest empty class room to do naughty but oh so great things to. Yes this is the boy that stars in all of my fantasies and every on of my dreams at night. 

 "Dude stop perving on my brother again!" My best friend Chris said smacking me out of my trance from watching Jace stop to flirt with a group of school sluts. 

 "Huh, what? I wasn't. I was yeah." I said looking down to the floor. 

 Dammit! Caught again! Oh, well just one more glance...No, No! Don't keep looking! Advert your eyes now, Kadence! Look Away! Aww hell, fine then, look! 

 I turn to shoot a glare at Chris who is now laughing so hard while holding his stomach with tears in his eyes. 


 "Dude, you totally said that out load." He laughed loudly.

 "I don't know what your talking about." I try and look inoccent.

 It doesn't work as Chris continues to laugh, now propping himself up on one of the lockers, "Look away" he gasped, "Look away" he says while trying to control another fit of loud laughter that is earning us quite a bit of stares. 

 I can't help but to pout a little. 

 "Shut up. I cant help it if your brother looks like a freaking sex god and I find it hard to take my eyes off of that amazing ass!" Still pouting and crossing my arms I fail to notice that Chris has stopped laughing and is throwing his hands in my face trying to get my attention. 

 "So, I'm a sex god?" I hear a soft voice whisper into my ear while trying to control the shiver that wants to go through my body from feeling his breath on my neck. 

 Mmmhmm... Jace. Wait, Jace?! 

 "AHHH" I jump into the air while turning and stumbling over my feet sending me crashing to the floor in front of a once again laughing Chris. 

 "Really, couldn't of stuck a hand out or anything." I send a glare to my supposedly best friend while sprawled in front of the lockers. 

 Laughing he holds out a hand and hauls me back up into my previous standing position. 

 I risk a glance at the sex god and see him leaning against the lockers with a smirk on his oh so beautiful lips, starring at me while waiting for an answer. 

 "So,um, w-what was the question?" If I play dumb long enough the bell will ring saving me from humiliation. Just maybe. 

 "You know the question." Sex god whispers taking a few steps towards me. 

 Oh My God! I can see the muscles through his white shirt stretching it across his chest. So hot! So Yummy! I just want to run my hands up and down his chest. Crap! He's starring at me now. Why is he starring at me? What were we talking about? Can't seem to stop looking at his muscles..The question! Yes, that's what he wants, for me to answer him. OK. What was the question? What was it..Oh man, now I can smell the vanilla scent that he always seems to smell like. I can't think when he is this close to me. Come on brain! What was that question?! Shit! Ok, just say something! 


 The bell suddenly goes off and I breath a sigh of relief, "Thank God!" I yell and grab Chris practically running for first period. 

 I let go of his hand as I run into English class making my way to the back and dropping into my seat. I start to lightly bang my head against the desk. What is wrong with me? I finally have the guy of my dreams paying attention to me and I start to freak out and make a total fool of myself. He probably thinks that I was dropped on my head as a baby.  

 Ugh! I hate my life! Why was Jace standing so close to me? It seemed like he was flirting. But that's impossible. Hes straight, right? Of course he is. But maybe...No, don't think that Kadence! He is definitely straight..I think..Ugh! I hate my life! 

 "Your going to give yourself brain damage if you keep banging it on the desk." Chris says as he slides into his seat next to me. 

 "Tell me again that Jace is straight and I have absolutely no chance of a long and happy life with him." 

 "Jace is gay and is secretly in love with you." 

 I turn my head so fast in his direction that I think I might have caused some serious damage. My eyes widen with hope as I look into his to see..humor? What the.. 

 "That was just mean!" 

 He laughs a little as I turn my once hopeful look into an evil glare. 

 "Sorry man, but you should have seen you face." 

 "Oh haha. You really are a crappy best friend, you know that right?" 

 "Yeah I know. Its part of my charm." 

 I just roll my eyes and turn my attention to the teacher trying to figure out what it is she is actually trying to attempt to teach us. 

 The bell rings once again causing me to jump a little and open my eyes. Damn must of fallen asleep. Oh well hopefully Chris took some notes. 

 As I turn to ask him just that I see his head leaning on his hand, snoring slightly. Hmm, nope not getting any notes from him. To wake him or not to wake him. Nah! Payback for being mean!

 I gather my stuff up to head to second class then notice something sticking out of Chris's jacket pocket. I pull it out and see that its a thing of sticky notes. Um, Ok. Can we say weirdo. I peel one off then stick the rest back in his pocket. I right SUCKER! across it sticking it to his forehead. I laugh to myself as I look at my devious work. SUCKER! Now off to my next sleeping destination! 


 Lunch comes quickly and I walk towards the cafeteria unable to wipe the stupid grin from my face. Ahhh, 30 whole minutes to watch the sex god! Yay! God I sound like a creeper peeking at unsuspecting boys. Well one boy..One extremely hot, lickable boy. Yum! 

 "Watch where your going, Fag!" 

 I hear laughter and before I can look up I feel my head being slammed into the lockers

My Best Friend's Brother Is Straight, Right?! (BoyxBoy)Where stories live. Discover now