Chapter Five

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As I was leaving my last class before lunch, I wasn't really expecting Jace to actually be waiting for me. But sure enough there he was, casually leaning against the wall, crossing his arms, looking like my every fantasy. I could soooo get used to having a hot guy waiting to walk me to lunch everyday! Please, please don't let this ever end! I don't know who I'm begging to, but hopefully someone is listening to a little gay boy right now!

"Ready to go, cutie?" Jace whispers as I walk towards him. 

"Yes, let me just put this stuff in my locker then we can go get something to eat." I respond shyly. Since when am I shy? And GOD, what is up with this boy calling me cute?! I swear my brain is going to explode any minute now with all the mixed signals I keep getting! Its probably just in my head. But he does seem to be more flirty lately. On the other hand he's never shown any interest in guys. Also, Chris knows how much I love him. He wouldn't keep something like that from me...or would he? Yep, there goes some brain cells dying out making room for the explosion that is about to happen!

"What are you thinking about so hard, Kadence?" You, You, and more of You!

"Nothing much, just looking out for Lucus. I don't really feel like having my head slammed into a locker today." I laugh, half jokingly.

I watch as Jace's expression suddenly changes from happy to sad, then I see his features harden. Well, what the hell did I say to change his face so drastically?! Maybe it wasn't me. Idiot, of course it was me! I mean, its not like he just up and decides, 'Oh hey I hate feeling happy, let me change that now before someone mistakes me for a great person', right... 

"What is it?" I ask him wondering what I said to get such a reaction from him.

He stays quiet as he quickens his stride towards my locker.

Sighing, I practically run to keep up with his long legs. Sometimes I really wish I was born with genetics that would have made me taller. Unfortunately both my parents are short, so in turn I of course end up being short. So unfair!

"Soooo, were going with the silent treatment then?" He rolls his eyes at this, stopping in front of my locker. 

"Guess so.." I mumble to myself as I stuff my backpack into the locker. Closing it I take a glance at Jace only to see him staring down to the floor. I look down to see what is so damn interesting when I feel an arm shoving me lightly into the wall behind us.

"Do you really think I won't keep you safe from Lucus?"  He asks me threateningly while leaning down leaving a small gap between our faces.  His minty breath brushes my cheek, with a hint of vanilla mixed in. Mhmm..I don't know how he always seems to smell so good, but whatever he's doing is so working for him right now. All I want to do is kidnap this too hot guy, take him home, wrap my arms around that delicious body and forget about everything and everyone. Hmm..I just might be able to fit him into my backpack..

I notice Jace staring at me, waiting for an answer that I don't have, "Right, well I'm not going to lie, but yeah, I kinda spaced out for a second there, so um, what were you asking me?' 

The hard look leaves his face as he shakes his head, lightly chuckling at me. "Do you ever listen to what I say? I can't remember the last time I asked you a question and you didn't  respond with a vague 'huh?'." Jace laughs. 

"Huh?" Smiling, I push him lightly on his shoulder. "No seriously what did you say?" 

He glances to my hand that is still resting on his shoulder. Blushing I jerk my hand back shaking it lightly to try and get the tingles out. This is why I don't touch him..feels like fireworks going off in my body. Well that and the fact that I might weird him out by just randomly touching him thoughtout the day.

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