Chapter Three

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PICTURE OF CHRIS ON SIDE ======>>>>>>>>>


 I snap out of my daze to look around at all the laughing students wondering who was the unlucky person that gets to spend an extra hour in hell.

 Before I can think to much on it, the bell rings and I instantly forget everything as I hurridly grab up all of my stuff and rush out of there.

 YES! School is over! I can finaly get home to my bed, to rest my tired Jace filled mind! He is all I have been able to think about since lunch. Not that its anything unusual to have only him on my mind for hours at a time, but this time it didn't have anything to do with all of the wicked things I would do to his body if he gave me half a chance. No, this time it had only been filled with thoughts of what the hell have I gotten myself into! What is he going to make me do as his slave? Carry his books? Buy his lunch? Wash his clothes? AHHHH! I need to stop thinking of this! I will find out tomorrow. SLAVE! Jace's Slave..I, Kadence, is slave to the hot and sexy Jace..hmm, that actually sounds kind of...NO! Don't even go there! I'm such a freak. Ugh, now I'm thinking sex slave..mhmm. 

 "Where are you going, Kadence?" I hear Chris yell to me, grabbing my arm to stop me from leaving out of the school doors.

 "Home," I say in my best 'duh' voice and roll my eyes at him.

 "Hello, did you forget about a little something called DETENTION?" What is this boy talking about?

 "Well maybe if I had detention, I would be going there dont you think? But since I obviously do NOT have detention, then I am going home to my comfy bed." I start to turn away from him and take a few steps before I feel his hand grab onto my arm, halting me.

 "Dude, you do have detention." He snickers and start to pull me back into the school.

What has this boy been smoking? I'm pretty sure I would remember getting a detention today. I jerk my arm out of his grip and give him a look of confusion.

 "No I dont."

 "Yes you do"





 "NO I DON'T!" I scream out.

 "YES YOU DO! NOW SHUT THE HELL UP!" Chris sucks in a deep breath and narrows his eyes at me in obvious frustration. What? He didn't like out little yelling game? I had fun...

 "Ok, ok," I throw my hands up in the air, calling for a truce. "What exactly did I do to get detention?"

 "Wow, you seriously don't know? It must be nice to take a trip like that and not have to pay for it." Chris says laughing loudly, shaking his head back and forth.

 "Yeah, yeah just tell me already!" God this boy makes me think that it would be ok to commit murder sometimes. 

 "You flipped the teacher off and called her a monkey butt when she tried to get you to pay attention. Man, Jace must have really messed your mind up at lunch. What exactly happened under that table? You know what, on second thought  tell me later, you're going to be late if you don't run." 

 Great, just great, now I have another hour here before I get to meet my bed! Stupid teacher! Stupid detention and stupid Chris for telling me! 

 I give a quick "bye" to him and turn to run back into the school only to smack face first into a wall.  Instead of the painful contact of my butt slamming to the ground,  strong arms wrap around my waist, keeping me from falling . Since when do walls have arms? I follow the tanned arms up seeing a muscular chest and then a pair of bright blue eyes starring at me. Jace. Of course. He seems to be all over the place today, maybe he's stalking me. Yay me!

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