Chapter Fourteen

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AN: Well it took me 1 extra day then what I said but I did try and make it up to you, making it a bit longer then my usual chapters! Hope you like this and comment!

"Kadence for the last time... WAKE UP!"

I awoke to a very annoying voice yelling into my ear and a loud popping sound, then pain spreading up my backside. 

Groaning, I lift my head up slightly and send a killing look to the person who dares to interrupt my dream just when it’s starting to get good. 

 "That hurt!" I snap at Chris, while rubbing a hand on my butt, trying to ease some of the sting away. 

"It wasn't me." He mockingly whispers, secretly pointing a finger at Johnny, who is sitting on the couch watching us with an amused expression. 

Rolling my eyes at the obvious lie, I glance at Johnny to see him confirm what I already know with a shake of his head and a smile. 

"Liar!" I whine and lay my head back down on the wonderfully comfortable pillow. Five more minutes! That's all I need...just five more precious, quiet minutes. I get less than one before I feel another wave of pain against the opposite cheek. 

I stick my hand out quickly and grab onto Chris's shirt, pulling him down to the floor next to me and roll on top, pinning him to the ground. This stupid boy better have an incredibly good reason for the pain I am now feeling!

"Are you bleeding?"


"Are you dead?"

"Don't think so."

"Then...WHY ARE YOU WAKING ME UP?!" He turns his head in disgust as some of my spit hits him. HAHA! That's what you get!

"Ok, first of all say it, don't spray it! And second, did you forget about a little thing called school? You know that place that has all of those books and desks?"

"I don't wanna go..." Pouting, I lay my head down on Chris's chest and close my eyes feeling tired and not wanting to get up.

Johnny clears his throat loudly making me turn in his direction but not picking my head up off of Chris. Uh...he does not look as happy as he was a few moments ago. In fact, he's looking pretty angry. Jealous, even.

"Are you jealous, Johnny?" I can't help but tease. Before he can answer I get up off of Chris and walk ALL THE WAY over to the couch and lay back down. I'm too tired to try and defend myself from a jealous boyfriend and from the way Johnny was staring daggers at me, I can only assume that’s where my morning was headed. As if I would screw up my relationship with the most amazing guy in the world with one of the most annoying boys I have ever met. 

Thinking about Jace brings a smile to my face and gets my heart racing. Really, it still amazes me to think of Jace as mine! I still don't understand how it happened. And to think I spent my whole life thinking I had no luck. Guess Luck was just hiding in a very dark corner, biding its time until the moment I would need him the most. I gotta say, I couldn't have picked a better time! I should show some respect and give the little guy a name. Hmm...Miguel? Javier? Pedro? Why am I thinking Mexican? Oh well, Fred it is! Little Fred!! I like it.

"Oh my god, Kadence! Why are you still lying down? Go get ready before I have Johnny drag you out to the car making you go to school in your boxers!" Chris yells on his way to the kitchen.

"Why can't we just stay home today?! School is evil!

Chris comes to the edge of the couch and tosses a note onto my chest.

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