Chapter Four

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I wake up to the smell of bacon and eggs being cooked. Yum..Food..Must have..Now. 

 Untangling myself from the sheets, I slowly stumble out of bed, making my way to the bathroom. I do a double take as I glance at myself in the mirror. Ugh! Bed head, not cool. So I jump into the shower, hoping that it will at least wake me up. Nope still tired. I am NOT a morning person. 

 When I'm done making myself sexy..haha..ok at least cuteish, I head towards the stairs trying to convince myself that I want breakfast more then I want to go back to sleep. The sound of my stomach grumbling is what finally convinces me to take the stairs down to the kitchen. 

 Walking into the kitchen, I stop in the doorway watching Jace standing at the stove cooking some eggs with no shirt on. Wow! As he moves his arms I can see the muscles in his back move and OH MY GOD that is one sexy man standing there! I wish I was brave. If I was then I would not hesitate to walk up to him running my hands up his muscled arms and leaning my head close to run light kisses up and down his smooth back. A new kind of hunger surges through my body, one that has nothing to do with those eggs that are being cooked right now. Mhmm...Need to stop looking before he catches me..again. 

 I tear my gaze away from that to sexy sight to see Chris sitting on a stool at the counter giving me one of his 'I know what you want' looks. Huh, has he been here the whole time? I blush at his look and grab another stool, bringing it up next to him, avoiding his smirk.

 "What?" I whisper looking down at the counter. 

 "Somebody is drooling." I quickly wipe my mouth then send him a glare when I realize that I was in fact not drooling. Jerk! This only makes me blush more and I take a glance at Jace seeing if he witnessed my shame. Nope still oblivious. Idiot, hasn't even realized that I have come into the room! I'd be lying if I said I wasn't just a little bit hurt from that. 

 "Aw, is the wittle girl blushing." Chris tells me in his baby voice grabbing my cheek and pinching it. 

  I slap his hand away from my face. "I'm not a girl!"

 "Are you sure about that? Cause you could of fooled me by the way you were clinging onto me last night in your sleep. I swear I stayed up all night just trying to get you to stay on your side of the bed!" 

 Chris starts laughing loudly at my horrified expression. He probably thinks its due to being found out that I like to cuddle, which wouldn't be a total lie. But no this time my clinginess is not because I happen to like cuddling at night but the fact that I was having a not so innocent dream about Jace that might or might not have involved whipped cream being licked off a certain part or my anatomy! Time to lie...I do not need to have my dream found out...

 "It was cold, duh!" I mentally do an eye roll, that's beleivable, right?

 "Sure it was and I might even believe it if you weren't poking me in the leg with a certain part of your body. Were you dreaming of a certain person last night, not naming any names," He does a fake type of cough, mumbling Jaces name in the middle. He knows me to well.. 

 "Ye-NO! Of course not! No! Jeez, like I said it was cold!" Shit! Almost forgot Jace is standing just a couple feet from us! I peek a glance at the sex god to see if he is still oblivious to us being here. OF COURSE NOT! Hes starring right at us with an amused and smug expression. He turns his head slightly locking his eyes with mine for a brief second before turning back to the breakfast he is cooking. What was that emotion I saw in his eyes? It was only there for a second then gone. Probably my mind playing tricks on me. 

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