Chapter 22 part 2

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AN: This chapter is dedicated to EVERYONE! that has read this story, commented, voted, and just simply loved it! Thank you all! YOUR AMAZINGLY AWESOME PEOPLE AND I LOVES YOU!!! :-) Now onto the last part of the last chapter!!


I screamed a high pitched scream, that would have been embarrassing if not for the sudden earthquake that has my bed shaking back and forth. I clutched my pillow to my chest and looked around frantically, my eyes landing on a small woman jumping up and down next to me.


"Hi, honey!" She giggles and jumps up once more falling back down in a sitting position, giving me one of her 'i didn't do it' smiles.

"Why are you in my room?" I groan and lay my head back down, covering myself with my comforter.

She tugs the blanket down and puts her face a half an inch from mine. "School."

I roll my eyes at the one simple word that seems like hell to me right now. "I'm not going." I say firmly.

She lays down fully next to me and sighs, "Tell me whats wrong baby."

"Jace." I whisper.

"Chris's brother? Why would he be the pro-Oh." She finishes in realization. She looks at me sadly and runs one of her hands through my hair. "He's the boyfriend." I nod even though its obvious.

"Do you wanna tell me?" I shake my head and she nods in understanding. "Then can I tell you something?" She doesn't wait for me to answer before continuing. "You are the most amazing person I have ever met and I'm not just telling you this because I'm your mother. It's true. Ask anyone. Anyways, If Jace can't see that then there's obviously something messed up in his brain." I laugh at this. "Don't laugh. This is a fact. Your beautiful, funny, kind, you have an amazing heart and if your anything like your father then Jace is probably left very satisfied in be-"

"MOM!" I yell, in digust. A blush covering my cheeks. "Don't be weird! And I'm a boy, not a girl! It's handsome not beautiful! Geez!" I shake my head at her grining face. It doesn't matter that she didn't finish that last sentence, it's still going to haunt me for the rest of my life!

"I looooove you!" She sings.

"Yeah, yeah love you to freak." She laughs and nudges me out of bed. I stand there and pout, crossing my arms. "So your saying I have to go to school?"

"Yep! But, I did make you your favorite for breakfast!" YES! CHOCOLATE CHIP PANCAKES, HERE I COME!

"ICE CREAM!" She screams and runs out of the room. I stand in my doorway while I watch her slide down the stair banister. Right, Ice cream...for breakfast...of course. I swear sometimes I think I should be the mother...

I quickly get ready, thinking of anything and everything to keep my mind off of Jace. I wonder how school is going to be this time? Let's see if I can make it through the entire day without being laughed at and then punched. But I wouldn't hold my breath. I already feel the dread of the day surrounding me and nothing bad has even happened.

I grabbed my bag from my desk and jogged out of the room, kicking  my toe on the door and hopping the rest of the way downstairs. Yep, things aren't looking good today.

I decide to skip the ice cream for breakfast thing and walk straight out the door, grabbing my dad's keys on the way out. I'm sure he won't care if I borrow his baby. Well, he will most likely freak when he sees it missing but I'll be safely in school...

I start up the car and some kind of oldies music blares from the speakers. Cringing, I quickly change it, scanning through the channels until I hear Black Veil Brides singing to me. Ah, soooo much better! You would think that mid life crisis he had would have introduced him to better music but no. Still listening to the stuff they played in what I'm guessing is the dinosaur ages...just sad.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 29, 2011 ⏰

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