Chapter Eleven

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Kadence P.O.V

I awoke to the feeling of…PAIN!

“UGH!” I groaned and grabbed my head trying to block out the pounding that is echoing from one ear to the other.

“You awake?” I hear a soft, sleepy voice say from above me.

“God?” I whisper to myself.

The unknown person starts to laugh, making my head move up and down, which has the pain increase with ever movement.


“Sorry.” The voice says, while trying to calm the laughing down.

“Thanks,” I tell him with a smile, and close my eyes.

It only takes me a few seconds more before I open my eyes quickly, realizing that I’m in BED with someone!! Oh my god! Why am I in bed with someone?! When did I even go to bed?! Who is it?! Did I lose my V-card to some strange weirdo?!

Think! Think! Think! What did I do last night? Got to the party and saw Chris. Chris stepped on foot. Gawked at Johnny. Touched Johnny inappropriately. Got hurt when saw Jace being a slut with a skank. Drank...ALOT! UGH! What happened after that?!


Deep breaths, Kadence! First things, first.

I lift up the blanket slightly to find that I am in fact, still clothed! Yes! The other guy unfortunately is only in his boxers! Well, at least he’s in something right? That has to be a good sign…

I follow his body with my eyes over his legs, nice looking abs, up to his well muscled chest, stopping before I get to the face, a little worried about what I will find. The body is nice…very nice. How bad can the face really be...?

Closing my eyes, I lift up my face not wanting to see the unknown person I am currently laying almost on top off.

Don’t be a pedo...Don’t be a pedo...Don’t be a pedo

I slightly open one eye, extremely slow, to see…JACE looking down at me with an amused smile on his face. Letting go of the breath I didn’t even know I was holding, I sag with relief.

“Whew! I’m sooo happy it’s you!” I yell with a huge grin across my face, hugging him tight.

He laughs and hugs me back. “Who did you think it would be?”

“You don’t want to know…” I tell him in a small embarrassed voice. Now that I think about it, I guess I was overreacting just a bit.

Sighing, I look down to see that our arms are still wrapped around each other. Hmmm, maybe if I stay really, really still, he won’t notice and won’t pull away. Being in his arms makes me feel safe and loved. I do NOT want that to end.

I know once he comes to his senses he will go back to the normal Jace. The one where he likes to hurt me by his flirting and teasing, then by his rejections. I don’t know if I can handle that a second time. I barely got through it the first time.

Thinking aboutthis puts a frown on my face. Why can’t he just be with me? I don’t think that there is anything horribly wrong with me, so then why do I never get to be with the one I want?

“Hey, what’s wrong? Why are you sad?” Jace asks, tightening his hold on me.

“I’m just waiting.” I say honestly.

He looks confused before asking, “Waiting for what?”

“For you to act like I have some kind of disease and jump out of the bed as fast as you can, running for the hills, just like last time.” I watch him run one hand through his hair and let out a sigh before looking at me, trying to figure out what to say.

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