Chapter Fifteen

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As soon as we pulled into the driveway, I get very excited to be just that much closer to the amazing date that I was promised. And it had better be great enough to make me forget about the whole 'game' I just endured. I am not afraid to go psycho on his butt if I for one second start mentally reliving the horror of having to listen to those whinny little freshman confide in me about every little thing! UGH! NEVER AGAIN! Just thinking about it has me shuttering in fear!

Jace locks the door before I am able to pull the handle. "What?" I whine. 

"Ready to get away from me already?" I roll my eyes at his pout, leaning over and giving him a kiss. 

"You're the one that said we needed to hurry. You know it takes me awhile to get all sexified." 

"Baby, you're always sexy." Jace tells me with a smirk.

"You are such a suck up! Do you really think that you can just give me a simple little compliment and its going to make me forget-"

I get cut off when Jace puts his finger to my lips and starts brushing his against my neck.

"That's not going to make me..." I trail off as I feel his hand rub my chest. Does he really think a few kisses and some caressing is going to get him out of trouble? I would have to be some kind of pathetic gullible fool! And the last time I took a look in the mirror, I was in fact not a pathetic gulliblefo-

"Jace." I moan when his lips move from my neck to my ear, his breath carressing it.

"You were saying?" Jace whispers in my ear before running is tongue slowly along the edge.


He smiles as he gives me a kiss on the cheek and then jumps out of the car. I sit in a daze as I watch him walk towards the front door. When he gets there, he turns and gives me a smirk, waiting for me to join him. 

I shake my head after a few minutes and glare at him. I guess I am pathetic and gullible and l can't forget the fool part! Stupid traitorous body! Humph! 

I open the door and walk to Jace, " That wasn't fair! You can't just use that hot body and sexy voice whenever you feel like it!" Jace laughs at me and takes my hand, pulling me into the house. 

I pull my hand out of his and run to the bathroom to have a quick shower. When I get closer I can already hear the water running, pressing my ear up to the door, I hear loud moans. Eww! I jerk my head back and start to turn around to go and use the second bathroom but stop when an idea comes to me.

I quietly open the door and have to cover my mouth, holding in a laugh,  when I hear Chris telling, who I really hope is Johnny, to don't stop. I slowly walk over to the toliet, pausing my hand in the air. 

"PAYBACK!" I yell before bringing my hand down and quickly flushing. I hear Chris scream like a girl as I run out of the bathroom and lock myself into the other one. 

I feel bad for a second as I think of Johnny in their with Chris. He didn't do anything to deserve my wrath today. Oh well, I will apologize to him tomorrow but for now I need to get ready for my date!YAY! Just me and Jace. No Chris. No school. Nobody to interrupt us! I can hardly wait!

After washing, I wrap a towel around my waist and open the door slightly, looking up and down the hall. When I don't see Chris waiting with a butcher knife, I step out of the bathroom and hurry to Jace's room to get dressed and then make my way down to the kitchen.

Jace is sitting on a stool, whispering with Chris and Johnny. I stand in the door and try to listen in on what they are discussing, hoping to find out something about this mysterious surprise Jace has planned.

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