Chapter Eighteen

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I left Jace sleeping in my bed the next morning and silently snuck around my room, pulling on random clothes. I grabbed my shirt that was hanging on the lamp and one shoe that was sitting on top of my computer. How did my clothes get thrown all of the room? Well, ok, I KNOW how they did but if I let myself start thinking about it then I might never make it out of here. Normally that wouldn't be a problem but right now I'm a boy on a mission and I need to get over to Chris'. 

I glance back over at Jace and see him sleeping peacefully with a thin sheet barely covering his bottom half. God! He looks so sexy! NO! STOP LOOKING! I DON'T HAVE TIME FOR THIS! 

I'm just about to walk the rest of the way out of the door but stop with an evil smirk on my face. I tip toe all the way to the edge of my bed and slowly pull the sheet down until Jace has his butt on display for the world to see. I give myself eight seconds of drool time before shaking the porn filled thoughts out of my head and raise my hand up high into the air, bringing it down hard and fast onto his bare cheek. A very loud 'POP' echo's through the room as I quickly run as fast as I can out of my house and down the road. 

Was that mean? Yes, yes it was. Was that part one of payback? HEHE...maybe. Just because I forgave him doesn't mean I have forgotten that I got pushed into a dirty lake. Oh no, I didn't forget at all. That is why I am now on my way to Chris. I have decided to forgive him for the whole 'embarrass Kadence because he's a gullible fool' thing, he pulled yesterday...well, for now at least. 

When I get to Chris' house, I let myself in and hurry up the stairs, barging into Chris' room, not bothering to knock. Chris is asleep on top of the blankets in his boxers, clutching a pillow to his chest. Awh! So cute! I don't see Johnny anywhere so I guess he stayed at his house last night. I feel slightly guilty as I think of Chris here all by himself.

I crawl up the bed until I'm laying right next to Chris and poke him in the face a few times.

"Chris, wakey, wakey." I say softly.

"Unghfoumble" He mumbles and bats my hand away sleepily. 

"I don't know what language that was, but I love you to." I whisper to him in his ear. 

This was apparently the wrong thing to do, I realise as Chris grabs me and pulls me closer, positioning one of my legs around his waist. I try to ignore his morning 'happiness' now pressed way too close to my no-no spot. Yep, this is awkward...

"Mhmm...Johnny." Whoa, what?! Crap! This is not what I thought my morning would be like. I try to gently pull my leg back, when that doesn't work I get frustrated and try to yank my leg off of him but that only results in Chris getting rough and growling, holding my leg down tightly around him. Okay...that didn't work. I might have a bruise later but that's about all I accomplished so far.

I watch Chris sleep for a moment before rolling my eyes and getting ready to cause some physical damage to him when I hear someone clearing their throat. I look to the end of the bed and see Johnny standing there with water running down his chest and a towel wrapped around his waist. 

My eyes widen and I stare speechless at Johnny, half because I am now wrapped around his boyfriends body and half because...DAMN! HIS BODY IS HOT! WHY WOULD HE EVEN BOTHER TO WEAR CLOTHES EVERYDAY WHEN HE LOOKS THAT GOOD?!

"To keep perverts like you from staring at him as if he was dessert." I hear Chris say before shoving me hard enough that I roll off of the bed and hit the floor with a thump.

"Yeah, like you weren't thinking the same thing." I mumble and try to stop a blush from forming.

"Of course I was but I know how to keep my thoughts in my head." 

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