Chapter 20

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Warning...Warning....Another scene...last one in this if you don't like...then...DON'T READ! K? Thanks!

Kadence pov

"Why are you being so mean?!"

"I'm not being mean. You just need to learn some patience." Jace tells me with a chuckle.

I sigh and glare. All day, I have tried to get the secret out of him. I've been begging, demanding, bribing, and even threatening. That one didn't go over as planned though, Jace only ended up running his hand through my hair and telling me how cute that was.

Now we are laying in bed and I am currently trying to guilt it out of him. This doesn't seem to be working either. "What if I died in my sleep tonight, then you wouldn't ever get the chance to tell me."

"Your right, I guess I better not let you fall asleep then, just in case. I wonder what we can do to stay awake?" He says mischievously, while scooting a bit closer in my direction.

I force myself not to smile at his one track mind. "Don't try to change the subject." I warn him but even to my ears that sounded weak.

"Fine, I won't try." I watch him sit up slightly as he takes his shirt off.

"Um, why did you do that?" He smiles a little at me before pulling his jeans off, leaving him in nothing but a pair of black boxers.

"WHY DID YOU DO THAT?!" I ask a little hysterically, my eyes roaming all over his sexy body.

"It's hot?"

I nod my head, still starring and agree with him. "It is now." I mumble as I reach my hand out and run it lightly down his chest to his abs. Definitely hot...

"I think your wearing to many clothes." Jace whispers as he grabs the bottom of my shirt and starts to lift it slowly up and over my head.

The moment my shirt cuts off the view of the sex god in front of me, that's when my senses start to come back and I growl at Jace, closing my eyes once the shirt comes all the way off.

"This is not fair!" I yell at Jace with my eyes tightly closed.

"Open your eyes Kadence. Don't you want to see what I'm going to do next?" I shake my head no, then nod yes and back to no again.

Jace laughs at me and I suck in a deep breath when I feel his hand at the top of my jeans. He unsnaps the button and pulls them off.

"What are you doing?" I ask when I hear shuffling coming from next to me.

"Getting naked." Jace says, like its the most normal thing in the world to say to someone.


He leans closer and whispers in my ear. "Because your turning me on so much that I'm already hard. If you don't open your eyes soon, I'm going to have to take care of this problem myself."

My body shivers as his words sink in and I smirk a little knowing that I can turn him on just by laying next to him. He must find me really sexy. This is very good to know. My 'sex power' might not be as great as his but I can definitely work with this.

"Five." Jace kisses me on the cheek.

"Four." He kisses my other cheek.

"Three." He bites gently down on my bottom lip.

"Two." He nibbles on my neck.

"What are you counting for?" I ask him before he can get to one.

"It's the five seconds you have to open your eyes before I do what I said I would do. One. Times up." He mumbles before moving his hand off of my chest.

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