Chapter Seven

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I open my eyes, seeing a sleeping Kadence in my arms. A warmth in my chest flows through me as I stare down at him. Why do I feel like I want to tighten my hold on him and never let him go? More then that, why do I want him not to never leave me? I've never felt this way about anyone..especially not a GUY! Ok, this can't happen..just need to stop thinking about him in that way. This is only a game to me! Not something that is suppose to change me! I just need to keep thinking of this as a joke or something..That should work...


I shove my head underneath my pillow to try and drown out the sound of my annoying alarm clock that has been beeping for the last five minutes. I really don't want to get up and I'm to tired to turn over to shut that damn buzzing off!


Groaning, I shake Kadence softy trying to wake him up. How he can sleep through that, I just don't know.

"Kadence.." I whisper softly next to his ear. 

"Kadence..wake up, wake up, wake up"

"Mhmm.." He mumbles sleepily but doesn't open his eyes. Just shoves his head more into my body. He looks so innocent when hes sleeping. Kinda makes me feel bad about waking him up. But the beeping sound must end and I really really do not want to turn all the way over to turn it off.

"KADENCE! WAKE UP! HURRY, THE HOUSE IS ON FIRE!" I scream while shaking his shoulder back and forth.

"AHHHH! WHAT?! WHERE?!" He screams, jumping out of the bed looking back and forth, while trying to pull on a pair of pants. I would of laughed at how ridiculous he looked trying to pull up a pair of pants that are a few sizes bigger than he is, but that would destroy my plan of getting the beeping to go away. 

After struggling with the jeans for a few minutes, he stops and turns to me with an adorable and confused look on his face, waiting for an explanation.

"Oh, you know what, nevermind, I thought I saw smoke coming from under the door. Must of been a dream. Well, while your up could you turn that alarm clock off please." I close my eyes and lay back down so he won't suspect that I'm lying. I don't think it worked because I'm pretty sure he mumbled 'lazy asshole' under his breath while slamming his hand on top of the clock before jumping back in the bed next to me.

After a few minutes of trying to go back to sleep, I feel eyes on me. I open mine fast and catch Kadence staring at my chest. Maybe I should mess with him a bit. 

"Like what you see?" I tell him with a smirk

His eyes widen and pop up to mine. The blush already coming to his cute face. NO! Not cute! I'm not gay! I just need to keep telling my self that as I mess with him.

"Um, n-no?" He stutters trying to make it come out confident but ending up a question. 

This only makes my smirk grow. He has never been able to hide his feelings about me. I've never minded though, and in a way that I'm just not prepared to acknowledge right now, it makes me know that he wants me. If it was any other guy that was crushing on me, I would void them at all costs, but not my Kadence. Wait, he's not my Kadence..hes just Kadence.

Shaking my head slightly, I look back at Kadence to see his blush has almost went away. Hmm..gotta fix that..

I move closer to him until there is only a few inches separating our bodies from touching. This causes a nervous look to come over him as he starts backing away from me, scooting across the bed. When he moves back enough to start feeling safe, I grab his waist and pull him towards me, slamming him against my body tightly.

Leaning over slightly, I brush my lips against his ear whispering, "You're not trying to leave are you, Kadence?"

I feel his gasp when I blow softly onto his neck.

"Um.." He mumbles, breathing deeply.

"Mhmm, can't talk? That's ok, it's not words that I want to hear come out of your mouth right now." I say softly, kissing down his neck, stopping to run my tongue lightly across his collar bone and grabbing his leg to wrap around my waist, pushing my body hard into his. 

This earns a moan from him, that has me grinding my teeth to hold back mine. "Mmm, that's what I wanted to hear," I whisper before starting to nibble and suck hard on his neck. 

Moaning again he grabs my hips and grinds himself onto me then runs his hands under my shirt touching all over my abs and chest. His hands feel soft and gentle on my hard chest. Wanting to feel it rougher, I grab his hair tugging his head back and suck harder on his neck, pushing my chest roughly against his hands. 

The moment he cries out in pleasure from my mouth is the moment I realize that I have taken this way too far, and it's turned into something that's not a game anymore. 

This thought has me pulling away from Kadence and jumping out of the bed telling him I need to take a shower before school.

When I get in there, I slide down the door and sit on the floor running my hands through my hair. What was I doing?! I can't be like this! I'm not Gay! I'm Not! 

Groaning, I get up and look at myself in the mirror thinking 'Ok, I might be gay..but maybe I can change it..'

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