Chapter Ten

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Kadence P.O.V

I ran all the way to my house and didn’t stop until I was standing in front of my door, sucking in some much needed air. How do those track people do it? I only ran about two blocks and already I feel as if I’m about to pass out from the pain shooting down my sides!

After taking a few more deep breaths, I straighten and reach for the handle of the door before letting a frustrated growl out and dropping my hand back to my side.

“PLEASE GIVE ME A BREAK!” I scream to the sky when I realize that I have left the key in my backpack that is in Jace’s car right now! And of course I have no spare key because Chris decided to steal it. Stupid Best friend! Stupid Jace for making me mad! UGH! Now what am I going to do?! Well I know I’m not about to call Jace and have him bring me my bag. No way! If I call Chris he will just try and get me to come back to his house. I’m not doing that either! Only other option is to just sit here on my steps and wait for them to fall asleep before going back. Shouldn’t be too bad unless it starts to rain…

God this is going to be boring, I think as I sit down to wait out the hours until I can leave.

Jace P.O.V

Pacing up and down my bedroom, I still can’t believe I implied that about Kadence. What was I thinking saying that? I know he’s not that type of person, but of course I have to open my big mouth and let complete nonsense come out! 

What is it about that boy that has me acting like a jealous ass? And more importantly why can I not get him out of my head? I shouldn’t feel upset that he has moved on and now probably hates me more than ever after all but calling him a slut. I should be happy that I’m accomplishing at least that part of the plan, the ‘get Kadence to hate me’ part. Yep, check there. All done, I think bitterly to myself.

Now all I need to focus on is trying to stop all of these feelings I have for him. This is proving to be more difficult then I had anticipated. I tried flirting with Kristen, even offering to show her more wood than she can handle, but the moment she accepted I instantly felt guilty and wanted to back out. Why should I feel guilty? I’m not even with him! This is not like me! I need to get my head straight again.

I grab my phone and scroll through the contacts looking for my friend Wesley’s number. I found it listed under #2 Player. Mine is listed as #1 Player. Well, after that epic fail today, I’m guessing I need to change it to pathetic, whipped loser…

“The Sex Machine formally known as Wesley talking. How may I service you?” Wesley answers after the second ring.

“First of all look at your caller ID before you ever answer like that again! And second of all you’ve got nothing I want, dude!” I tell him with a chuckle.

“Jace, what’s up man?”


“Party? Where? When? And Hell Yeah!” 

“Here, tonight, and call everyone and let them know,” I say, answering his questions. Wesley can get anyone, anywhere, at any time. He’s the perfect person to call when you don’t feel like making a hundred phone calls on the spur of the moment.

“Done,” he says, before hanging up.

After I hang up, I head for the bathroom to grab a quick shower before going and buying the drinks I’ll need for tonight. A fake ID and some cash for bribery will get you everywhere in this town.

I open my door and step into the hallway, running straight into Chris. Guess there is really no way to avoid someone when your rooms are just a few feet apart.

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