Chapter Two

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I look up to see the captain of the basketball team walking away high fiving his little lap dogs.   Lucus, one of the schools biggest players with his charcoal grey eyes, short blonde hair, and decently muscled body that apparently all the girls constantly are drooling over. Can anyone say EWW! Ok ok, thats a lie, there was once upon a time when I couldn't take my eyes off that hot, hard body. That is until I found out that Lucus may have the body of a greek god, but inside he's about as sexy as an old fat guy trying to squeeze into a tiny speedo...I think I just thew up a little...

Hes mean, abusive, and about the biggest homophobe that I have ever had the misfortune to meet. But it wasn't always like this. Before he would just ignore me like I was invisible or something. Then the day came when my body was not connected to my brain.

We were in the locker room getting done with our showers to go to next period. I blush as I can still remember what happened next. Yeah. My body reacted to seeing this hot boy coming out of the shower in nothing but a white towel with water drops running down his hard chest, all the way to his well-toned six pack. Of course me being me just had to stare and then stare some more not knowing that another part of my body was getting just as excited as my eyes. Awkward!

Turns out Lucus really didn't like having a guy perving on him in the locker rooms and ever since that day I have become the one person that he just loves to hate.

I do have a theory tho, which of course would be that he is a secretly gay boy that is too afraid to come out of the closet, so covers his love for me with insults and punches. Yeah, I can turn any situation into one that works for me even while getting punched in the face, or in this case having my head slammed into the lockers. I'm just special like that, I guess.

 "I'D RATHER BE A FAG THEN A HOMOPHOBIC PRICK!" I scream at the boys that are still laughing halfway down the hall.

OH GOD! Why did I say that. Stupid Stupid! Perfect...they turned around. Are they going to come after me? Of course they are idiot, you just called the stupid player a homophobic prick! Great, now they are running towards me. SHIT! They don't look happy...What to do? Stop standing around and RUN!

And thats just what I do. I run. I run around the corner and down the hall. I run through the double doors of the cafeteria. Then I run and dive under the first table I see grabbing a pair of random legs trying to hide behind them.

Cowardly, yes, but hey I'm just too young and cute to die! I mean come on, I've never even had a boyfriend before but more then that I am still a VIRGIN! Not that I am saving myself or anying I'm just not a slut, so yeah! Speaking of sex...mmm Jace..vanilla smell..Wait, why am I smelling Jace?!

"Kadence, um, why are you hugging my legs?" 

I slowly look up to see Jace's head bent to the side, looking under the table with one eyebrow raised.

"Ah, well, t-there is a p-perfectly good e-explanation for this." God, stop stuttering!


"Erm, I am the er, official um ,leg checker! Yep, Leg checker. Just something new the um school is doing. I'm sure you haven't heard of it yet. Brand new." LEG CHECKER! Seriously! I do a mental eye roll at my self. 

"Leg checker..ok..well what do you have to say about my legs?" Jace asks clearly amused now.

"Well they are um long. Really muscled and strong. And um really fit, must be from all the running you do in track. Muscles, lots and lots of muscles..."I trail off, my voice sounding huskier as I start to imagine what it would feel like to have those legs wrapped around me while I grinded..,

I hear a sexy groan that snaps me out of my fantasy, looking up to see Jace starring at me intently with his hand fisted at his side. Did I say something wrong? Why does he look like hes in pain?

All of a sudden his hand is on top of mine and thats when I realize that I had been slowly running my hand up and down his leg while in my fantasy world. I quickly pull my hand out from under his and turn my head to the floor trying to hide the blush coming to my face.

"Oh god Jace, I'm um sorry. Yeah its just your leg..ah..and me being um yeah, hmm...soooo see any homophobes out there?" I finish quickly realizing im doing nothing to fix the situation.

Not waiting for an answer I start to climb out from the side of the table when I suddenly feel a hand on my face gently pushing me back under.

"What are you-" I get cut off by Jaces hand now covering my mouth.

"Shhh," he whispered to me.

"Jace, man, have you seen that little fairy boy running through here?" I hear someone ask in a deep scary voice. 

My eyes widen as I notice Lucus standing slightly to the side of Jace. OH NO! If he looks down he's sure to see me hiding. I start to freak out a little, thinking of what he would do to me when he finds me.

Jace must have noticed my squirming as he moves his hand from my mouth to my cheek slowly stroking it in an attmpt to calm me down. Oh God! What this boy is doing to my body right now is surely going to drive me insane. Shocks start to flow through me as I feel his thumb trace my bottom lip. Mmmm. Just as I am about to do something that will surely get me killed he pulls his hand away and I hear Chris say that its safe to come out now.

Wow when did Chris get here? I wonder while climbing onto the seat between him and Jace.

What the hell just happend?! I can still feel the electricity on my cheek from Jaces hand. Why woud he do that? Is he Bi? Gay? Straight? Ugh! WHAT.THE.HELL! Ok, seriously I need to stop freaking out! I am almost one hundred percent sure that, that meant much more to me then it did to him. But then why the hell would he touch my lips like that? That tease. Wait, thats it, of course! God, I'm so dense sometimes. He was just teasing me. He knows how much I freaking like him. So he decides to play with me like a really messed up game or something. UGH! That little son of a-

"So you agree then?" I hear Chris asking me while shaking me out of my inner rant.

"Uh, yeah sure." What?

Jace starts laughing lightly and leans over to whisper in my ear, "Good, can't wait. It Starts in the morning, cutie." Then gets up and heads towards the doors sending me a secret wink before walking out.

I quickly turn to Chris who has a huge smirk accross his face. Oh how I really want to smack it off right now!

"What. Did. I. Just. Aggree. To." I ask him, pronouncing every word calmly.

"Nothing much dude, just the fact that you would become my brothers slave for a week in payment of him keeping you safe from Lucas." 


That was my first thought when I came out of my shocked daze. Second of course being...



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