Chapter Nineteen, Part One

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This is dedicated to Franny AKA LuckilyBad…Her boyxboy story Unstable is in the Watty Awards so go and read/vote!

To: Franny


From: April

True to his word, Chris did not let me out of his sight the entire night. He was there when I had to go to the bathroom, standing just outside the door and knocking after five seconds to 'see if I'm done yet'. If I shifted on the couch he would be watching me out of the corner of his eye, waiting. 

If I thought that was bad at the time, I really didn't know what he was capable of until it came time for bed. Let's just say it involved hand cuffs and Chris sleeping next to me the entire night with his arm wrapped around my waist and my legs pinned under his. It was very awkward, uncomfortable and now I'm very worried about his sanity. The whole time he just had this psychotic smile plastered to his face. It was so scary that I started naming it 'The Smile'. I barely got any sleep the whole night. I just kept dreaming of Chris, dressed as a clown with that 'killer' smile on his face. I woke up screaming one time and there was Chris saying, "it's alright, it's alright," smiling away. I screamed louder. 

All of this was unnecessary on his part though because for the simple fact that JACE NEVER EVEN TRIED TO COME BACK OVER! Nope, nothing. Not even a freaking text saying good night! What kind of boyfriend is he that he won't come and rescue his man?! He should have known Chris is crazy! I was in fear for my life half the night and Jace doesn't care! Bastard!


"AHHHH!" I scream when Chris comes up behind me and lays his hand on my shoulder.

"What is your problem?" I look closely at him and examine his features, trying to decide which Chris I am dealing with. It's too hard to tell. They all look the same when your functioning on an hour’s worth of sleep. 

"Are you the 'good' Chris or the 'serial killer that dresses like a clown' Chris?" I ask him, still in my defensive position, with my knees bent and my hands held in the Karate chop form. 

"Kadence, stop messing around. We need to get to school to start the 'make Jace cry like a little girl' project." He smiles....The Smile...again. Hmm...

"Um, ok. Grab my bag will you?" I watch...The Smile...go away as he turns and gets my bag.

"Here" I take it from him, still watching his face. 

"So you ready to mess with Jace then?" 

"Oh yeah!" He says...The Smile...coming back full force.

THANK GOD!! CHRIS IS NOT GOING TO KILL ME THEN BURY MY BODY IN A SHALLOW GRAVE! That messed up smile was never intended for me but for Jace all along! He must have been dreaming about all of the things he would do to his brother! WHEW! That makes me feel so much safer! Poor Jace...I don't think he's coming back to this house the same man...

We both climb into Chris's car and he drives towards the school, humming the entire way. He's to lost in his own little payback world to notice that I haven't taken my fear filled eyes off of him. This is so not going to be good. What in the world was I thinking?! I wouldn't be surprised if by the end of the day, Jace is in the hospital, I'm in the crazy house and Chris is being booked at the downtown Jail for endangering humans. I think my day is going to be more about keeping my sexy boyfriend alive then helping Chris with any revenge.

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