Chapter Six

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AN: Just wanted to say to everyone THANK YOU SOOOO MUCH FOR READING! I never expected to get this kind of response to my story after only having it on for 3 DAYS!! Just found out that my story is on the Whats Hot # 1000!! YAY!! So yeah thanks again!! :))


My heartbeat picks up as I stare at him, my jaw practically on the floor at this moment. Did he just say..No, he couldn't of said..But he did..No,No. Yes, he did say that! HOLY! He wants me to sleep with him? WHAT. THE. HELL?! 

I close my mouth as I suck in a long breath, remembering that breathing keeps me alive. 

"Wha-, but, um, you want me your..with you, right?..together..all night..WHAT ARE YOU TALKING ABOUT?!" I finally yell as I grab two handfuls of his shirt bringing him down to eye level. 

Turning the brief shocked look into a smirk, Jace gently pries my hands from his shirt, straightening out the wrinkles I put there. 

"Start talking," I narrow my eyes at him, trying to pull off the meanest glare that I have in me. Which might have worked if my stupid mind hadn't started showing me images of me and Jace, and what could happen..NO! Be mad..Be mad..Be- FINE! At least pretend to be mad at this! 

"I don't know what the problem is. I mean, I'm hot. You're gay. Shouldn't you be jumping for joy or something?" Jace says, the amusement clearly seen in his eyes. 

I scoff at this as I get up from the table, glaring at him the whole time, as I begin to walk toward the doors. That self conceited little son of a- UGH! What, am I suppose to be over freaking joyed that the great Jace has decided I would be the lucky person to grace his bed at night! Yeah right! Well, he doesn't need to know that I might be, just a teeny bit, excited even after the brain fart he let come out of his mouth. Stupid Boys!

I smell the, oh so familiar scent of vanilla as I round the corner, heading to my class. 

Turning I see Jace a few feet behind me.

"What do you want?!" I practically yell at him

"I have to walk you to class. In case Lucus or one of his friends are out here," Jace says, with a small smile on his lips. 

Awww..that's so sweet..Wait! Bi-polar much? One second he's a conceited bastard and the next he's this amazing protective guy? Oh well, It was still sweet. So I guess I can forgive him for his stupidity. I'm just not going to let him know that..yet.

"I was just kidding, you know that right?" What? He doesn't want me to sleep in his bed? 

"Kidding? So I don't have to sleep with you mean sleep in the same bed with you?" I tell him, not sure what I want the answer to be.

"Oh no, not about that. About you jumping for joy. You are definitely sleeping with me tonight. So don't try to get out of it. I command it." And with that said, he walks away laughing, sending me a smile over his shoulder. 

Walking into class, I head straight over to Chris, who is already sitting at his desk, hurriedly trying to finish the homework that was assigned last night. 

"I think I need a hug," I whine, while turning my puppy dog eyes to him.

He immediately stops what he's doing and gets up, wrapping his arms around me tight. I snuggle my head into the crook of his neck, breathing deeply. His hugs has always had a calming effect on me. I could stay here just hugging him all day, but unfortunately the class will start filling up with students and once they see two guys hugging the jokes will start to come. So saving my best friend from embarrassment, I squeeze him tightly to me once more before pulling back and sitting in my desk next to him.

My Best Friend's Brother Is Straight, Right?! (BoyxBoy)Where stories live. Discover now