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Hello everyone!

Wishing you all a very happy new year! 

I was going to update few days back and then thought lets resume this book from 2023. I will try to be regular from now onwards. Just taking sometime to get back at that mind frame. 

This chapter is full of MaNan to make you guys wait for so long. Also what are your views on KYY S4? I am waiting for S5 desperately in a hope to see a proper breakdown scene of Nandini. 

Which is your favorite music track from S4? Mine is Sawera.

Can I please expect a good response in this chapter? It will act as a motivation for me.


Manik rang the doorbell and shuffled his legs impatiently for her to open the door.

Nandini looked in the mirror for one last time and set her hair.

"God, why is she taking so much time?" Manik asked Leo.

Nandini opened the door and smiled at him. Manik looked at her with a wide-open mouth. Nandini's cheeks got red at his reaction.

"Such an actor. We saw her just a few minutes back." Leo yawned and lay back, which broke Manik's staring session. He coughed a bit and rubbed his nape.

"You look beautiful."

"Thank you! You look good too."

"Come, let's go" Manik forwarded his hand to her, and she gladly held it.

"She is holding my hands, Leo. I am sweating. She will find it gross." Leo laughed at his condition.

Manik started the car after escorting her to the passenger seat.

"So, where are you taking me?"

"It's a surprise."

"Cliche answer"

"Cliche exists for a reason" Nandini passed a smile to him and looked out of the window. Manik keeps taking glances at her.

"Manik, please look forward. I don't want us to end up in an accident," commented Nandini, still looking out of the window, making Manik embarrassed.

Manik took a deserted route and Nandini started getting nervous. Manik chuckled at her reaction.

"Don't worry, I am not kidnapping you."

"Even if you are kidnapping me then also why would you tell me."

Manik chuckled but stopped seeing her scared expressions. He removed his hands from gear and held her hands. Nandini looked into his eyes. "Trust me" Nandini nodded her head.

Manik smiled at her and said "5 more minutes."

Manik reached his territory border and stopped the car. He took a deep breath.

"Why did you stop the car in the middle of road. Did car broke?"

Manik looked surprised at her. "Nandini can see the road in the front but she is human, she should just see the wall because of illusions."

Nandini shook Manik and asked "What happened? Are you fine?"

Manik shook his head and started driving the car again still in his thoughts. "Did illusions break but I could feel the power when I was crossing the border." Manik shook his head and thought to discuss the matter with the pack's maze maker.

Manik took her to a rooftop restaurant in his pack. He saw Nandini curiously looking at the restaurant from the window. He mind linked the whole pack and instructed them "I have brought your luna to the pack for the first time. Behave normally as humans around her. Don't bow and address her as luna."

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 01, 2023 ⏰

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