Forgiving Takes A Lifetime

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Sometimes it stays dominant, like Mount Vesuvius. The funny thing about emotions and volcanoes was only a minor thing had to occur for the thick layer of volcanic material and mud to erupt on everything. It could turn into something small, almost like a false alarm, or it could become like Pompeii.

Taking everyone with it.

The finding of my other father's family did just that.

Tears stung my eyes. They were bloodshot red and made my mascara smudge under my eye. It took a count to twenty, and countless breathing exercises to regain the composure of volcanic ashes seconds from falling out. Crying was never my favorite thing.

In my household, I wasn't allowed to cry. It made me look weak. I was meant to be the older sister, a role model, and god forbid if I show a trace of vulnerability. My parents made it seem like a crime. I had to get fake tears for all my acting scenes since it took a horde of elephants to split this barrier down. 

He doesn't deserve these tears.

He doesn't deserve me wasting another breath on him.

But an empty void in my chest clawed at me. After years of my own assumptions, I could finally get the answers I needed. I spent my pre-teen years trying to find a logical reason for his disappearance. Kasey couldn't sleep during the first week because she kept waiting for Daddy to come home.

A knock on the door interrupted my thoughts. "D, are you okay? My arms are open for a quick snuggle if you need." Ambrose's voice brought another wave of emotions; fondness.

I giggled, throwing the tissue away, and opened the door. "I don't do hugs with strangers."

Ambrose's curls jerked as he wrapped his arms around me without a warning. "Good thing we're the most popular couple these days."

He had his chin on top of my head, arms looped around my waist, causing an array of butterflies to pool in my belly. "As a reward, I'll make you Ambrose's famous secret pasta."

"What am I being rewarded for exactly?"

"For being strong." His eyes went soft as he brushed back a strand of my hair that's escaped my low ponytail, calloused touch sending a sparkle to every last nerve.

A giddy lightness filled me, but I swallowed and nodded to keep my feelings from showing. I don't need Ambrose figuring out that horrid secret. I could spend the rest of my life happy if Ambrose never learned how I really felt.

"I think I like it better when you yell at me for being annoying," I said, removing myself from his hold.

His eyebrows quirked up. "Do you have a degrading kink or something?"

My eyes narrowed. "Seriously? I just meant it's weird when you act all friendly and shit. We don't like each other, remember?"

He pinched the bridge of his nose and sighed. "Jeez, you're the most confusing girl I've ever met... But that doesn't mean I'm not going to make my world-famous pasta. It was more for me, anyway."

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