People Change, People Love, Find It

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"How is this supposed to win back Davina again?" I asked frustration coated all over my tone

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"How is this supposed to win back Davina again?" I asked frustration coated all over my tone.

Lana and I spent last week sobbing, eating, and steeped in the darkness together. Since Lana had her own breakup to worry about, I didn't want to burden her with the details of mine. It would've only driven her further into the deep, black hole if I mentioned Davina dumped me because I stayed to take care of her.

It wasn't Lana's fault. It's my fault for being unable to navigate and identify my feelings for both girls. Feelings were an odd pack of jumbled, scrambled knots, and unraveling this ball was becoming harder than it should've been. My heart didn't bounce off the walls around Lana anymore. Only Davina caused that reaction.

Has my chemical balance reached a natural tone around Lana? Did your body have to react to being in love with someone? Nervous breaths? Clammy hands? Irregular heartbeat? It was nonexistent. But the same question still remained.

Why did I try to kiss Lana?

Why had I indirectly chosen her over Davina?

"Trust me! It will work! Now, put the hat back on!" Lana demanded, chucking the hat at me.

Lana's idea of winning Davina back was to dress up a pink-shaped heart and perform a ballad. First of all, I had to be the worst fucking singer on the planet, and this outfit was the most ridiculous thing I'd ever seen! I'm judging Lana on her fashion sense because no other sane person would have this in their wardrobe.

I sighed, forcing the shaped hat on my head. "You didn't even answer my question."

She threw her head back with a groan. "Girls love romantic gestures! Even after a little fight, girls can't resist their boyfriend doing incredible, cute gestures for them! This is the sweetest way back into her heart! Now, sing!"

The music thundered from the speaker after she pushed the button. Washing my irritated expression away, I began singing the song 'boyfriend' like we rehearsed and cutesy dance moves Lana taught me. This was so fucking embarrassing, especially because she's making me film it in a hectic park.

However, I knew Davina would love to watch this if we had truly broken up because of a simple fight, but it was more than that. Things could never be straightforward in my life.

"That I'm looking for a boyfriend. I see that." I sang with enthusiasm, creating heart shapes with my hands.

Suddenly, Lana paused the music, wearing an expression of dissatisfaction. "You messed up the lyrics again! It's that you're looking for a boyfriend. I see that. We have filmed this at least ten times, and you still get the lyric wrong!"

I blinked, unfazed by her outburst. "You can't even lie! It's so easy to confuse the two! Besides, I'm trying my best here. It's hot as fuck, and I'm sweaty in places I shouldn't be just so I can suffer through your idea." 

10 Ways To Get Over Lana HartWhere stories live. Discover now