Adults Make Mistakes

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A conclusion reached after consideration of both sides of things. Sometimes we wandered life, not realizing we were making decisions. Like choosing a salad instead of the delicious burger from McDonald's. It's something extremely uncomplex, but it wasn't always like that. Whether we liked to believe we weren't making decisions that could change our life, we do.

After cooking Lana's favorite alphabet soup, she fell asleep on the couch, and finally stopped sobbing. It wasn't annoying, more like heartbreaking to watch her brilliance dim into another person. As I finished dumping the dishes into the sink, I shuffled towards Lana, making sure everything was okay.

Her lips were shaped into a pout, slightly open for her breathing to come through. Lana's hair draped over half of her face, covering the evidence of a broken heart. Her cheek burned pink, possibly from the heat or the sadness. She honestly looked beautiful, but in a different way from how Davina looked. Lana even drooled.

I laughed, rubbing my finger over her forehead. "What are you dreaming about, dummy? Something that has to do with Declan, right?" She's so fascinating, angelic, admirable. It's easy to fall in love with Lana. Super easy. Like she's a dangerous spell I should stay away from. "Let's take you to bed. Davina and I will take the couch."

As my arm went underneath her head, she snuggled closer into the crook of my neck, her breathing sending a ray of goosebumps on my skin. "D-Declan..." she whined, letting her head fall to the side.

My eyes widened.

The light from the hallway spilled in as the door cracked open, revealing a devastated Davina. One of her sleeves was covered in bloody color as if she dipped it in a bowl of red paint. Mascara streaks ran down her cheeks, leaving a permanent wake of pain on her face. It wasn't until our gaze continued and dropped to Lana that all emotion left those enchanting blue-green irises.

"I'm just going to bring her to the room," I whispered, scrambling to my room and accidentally hitting Lana's head on the doorframe. "Jesus, I'm sorry, Lana." Hopefully, I didn't give her a concussion, but I'll come back in a few minutes.

Lana moaned, shifting herself closer to my frame. "Where are you going? Stay with me, Ambrose." She opened those brown puppy doe-eyes that could cure the Devil. "I don't want to be alone."

I sighed, placing her onto the bed only for her to clutch my shoulders, bringing me with her. "Lana! Let go."

"Please Ambrose, I don't want to be alone... I-I can't be alone." Her lips quivered.

The organ underneath my ribcage turned to goo. "I'll be back in like five minutes. Okay? I won't leave you, Lana."

"Okay..." she muttered. "Hurry."

My heart pitter-pattered to the sound of my footsteps as I sauntered back into the room, catching Davina flinging her items in her bag. From the force of her throw, I caught the drift. My fiancé wasn't too happy with me. It's totally my fault I was an asshole for breaking my promise, but she's sure to understand once explained.

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