Falling All In You

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Black clouds hovered over Ambrose ever since he was eliminated from the competition

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Black clouds hovered over Ambrose ever since he was eliminated from the competition. The clouds had been following him since his father's death and were pouring acid rain from every corner. The droplets wouldn't stop from awful news from his lawyers to the media, ripping him to shreds because of the paparazzi.

They were capitalizing on Ambrose's mistake, and it made me sick to my stomach. This must've been what it felt like to watch my career collapse overnight from my cocaine scandals and exotic late nights. Milo always nagged me, saying he cared about my health, but our relationship was entangled with my career, and I couldn't tell if he actually did.

Ambrose had been cooped up in bed for the entire week, refusing to pack for over ultimate stop; New York City. Regardless of his elimination, I wanted to bring him along with me, and it's his home turf. We could spend the days off running around the city and hanging out with his best friends.

I pulled back the drapes. "Come on, bean sprout, it's time to stop moping in bed."

Ambrose groaned, throwing the blanket over his head. "Wake me up when it isn't sunny anymore. I hate the sun."

I chuckled. "Okay, Mr. Doom and Gloom, it's definitely time to get some vitamin D."

He popped his head outside from the blanket, smirking. "Well, you're my favorite vitamin."

Pink blossom rose my cheeks. "I like what you did there, but I meant vitamin D from the sun."

The mention of the sun was all it took for him to retreat into his cocoon. "Nooo... I'm not in the mood for anything unless it's you in bed with me."

"Mmm..." I hummed. "It sounds like a really lovely idea, but we should go take a walk around the park or something."

"No," Ambrose groaned.

My eyes rolled back at his immaturity. "Come on!" I threw myself on top of him, latching onto the cover, and played a great tug of war with Ambrose. "Just get out of the damn blankets."

"I said no!" he responded, ferociously fighting back.

"Please!" I grumbled, using all my kickboxing strength to rip the covers from his grip.

Suddenly, flutters of fireflies erupted in my stomach when his arm wrapped around my waist and flipped us over in a swift movement. Somehow, he got us intertwined with the blanket and hovered over me. His handsome features were clear as day, shining brighter with the sun landing on it.

Ambrose placed a quick peck on the crown of my head before snuggling comfortably in the crook of my neck. "That's better."

"Ambrosee!" I whined, trying to ignore the alluring sensations his hot breath brought to my core. "What's got you so down? Is it because you lost the competition or something?"

He sighed. "Why do you assume I'm upset?"

I rolled my eyes at his comment. "We've been dating for about a month now and fake dating for over half a year. Obviously, I'm going to pick up on your little tactics. When you're upset, you shut down, avoiding any kind of human contact. If it wasn't for the fact that this is my hotel room, you probably wouldn't let me in."

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