Bittersweet Harmony

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One year and one week later

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One year and one week later...

Life has surprisingly taken a right turn from a few months ago. The phone call from Ambrose was like an odd release of all the sadness dwelling within. Plenty remained, but I finally acknowledged I couldn't go on waiting for him. His attempt at reaching out proved he knew where I was, had my number, and still didn't want to get back together.

It was a tough pill to swallow, but he chose Lana. I wasn't going to waste any more of my youth for a guy. It's a bad habit to feel like the world was ending just because the guy I loved didn't love me back. I did it with Colton and now with Ambrose. The world might've crushed my shoulders, but I could always get back up. So, I spent the last few months re-eventing myself.

Who was Davina without a boyfriend? She's a woman who loved to party without abusing her use of alcohol and weed. A woman who valued her friendship with her younger sister and treasured the nights we had sleepovers with Darius. Someone who poured their blood, sweat, and tears into any project I've been selected for.

I also loved someone with my entire heart and maybe one day, I'll receive the same back.

Wesley yanked my arm through the streets of New York City. "Come on, Davina! We're going to be late."

I groaned, picking up my pace. "Why did we have to fly all the way to NYC again?"

He sent me a narrowed glare. "Because my best friend from high school is opening his first bar, so I want to go support him. If you and I go together, then he will gain more attraction."

"Sometimes it's a curse to be famous." I sighed dramatically before bursting into laughter.

"Jesus, can you do something nice for once?" Wesley complained, zooming criss-cross, right and left in the midst of people on the streets.

I gasped, halting us in place. "I donate to charities every month! I go visit my fans in the hospitals! Just because I don't want to go to a bar doesn't mean it's okay to judge my character."

"You really hate bars?"

"No..." I drawed out. "I just hate bars that are in this state. Too many memories."

Honestly, I loved bars. A night out drinking and dancing with my friends was always a great cop-out. However, when Wesley mentioned this bar was in NYC, fear crept through my stomach. The chances of seeing Ambrose were slim to none, but anything was possible in the big apple. I accepted the fact he had chosen Lana over me. However, I wouldn't be able to survive the ache in my chest if I see it firsthand.

Wesley's lips protruded into a pout, squeezing my cheek between his knuckle. "The faster we get there, the faster we can go home. An hour at most, okay?"

I bit my lip. "Fineee."

His lips curled into a smile. "Great! Let's go!"

A few blocks zipped past us like a fast-tapping photo collage. Before I knew it, we were walking through a steel door with a futuristic theme hallway. Neon purple, orange, and pink lights flickered through the room. Abstract paintings and sculptures were suspended on the walls as we inched closer to the elevator.

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