TMZ Is A Killer

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Concern made it impossible to concentrate on shooting

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Concern made it impossible to concentrate on shooting. If the silence hindered a little too long, I had enough time for my thoughts to scatter over the endless possibilities of how terrible an idea it was to leave Ambrose only. Anxiety tended to escalate when you're sitting alone in your dressing room with only your thoughts to keep you company.

One reason I came to film a skit for the YouTube channel was that Lana and the girls were flying in today. After his mother came over to share the news about his funeral, I called them and offered to pay for their flights. Lana, Meadow, and Catalina were willing to drop their plans to come to check up on their best friend.


It had an odd effect on people. No one could prepare to hear the heartbreaking news of a close one passing away. Some people cried for days. Others endeavored to show any type of emotion and are judged awfully for being disoriented. Then the third category, where people neglected to confront the matter and drowned themselves with alcohol.

Ambrose fell into that one.

As his girlfriend and just a bystander in general, I couldn't blame him for being so lost in a situation like this. His relationship with his father was so complex that no one could understand, even if Ambrose composed a diagram about it. Also, as a person who fell into that third category after my sister's accident, I could detect the signs even if he wanted to act like everything was alright.

No one was the same after a traumatic event like this.

It's impossible.

"You have been awfully quiet, Davina. These clips aren't going to cut it unless you tried to engage the audience," Elton suggested, stealing my attention from the green pepper I overdid with my knife.

I nodded. "Can I get a five-minute break?"

Elton sighed. "Alright. Cut!"

With an irritated exhale, I wandered over to my casting chair and reached for my cell phone. My heart clenched as dozens of messages kept coming in from all the girls. Instead of wasting time reading them, I just called them instead, hoping Ambrose had kept his word at least until they got there.

"Hello?" Lana's voice chimed through.

"Hey, Lana, what's up? Is everything okay? I haven't had a chance to read the messages," I said, drumming my fingers on the armrest.

Lana exhaled. "Umm, we can't get into your hotel room, and Ambrose isn't answering any of our calls."

Panic drowned through my nerves. "Shit. He must've gone to a bar or something. Fuck man, I'm so stupid. I knew I should've stayed with him."

"He's a big boy, Davina. If Ambrose wanted to go out, he would find a way to make it happen," Meadow said.

"Yeah, but I would've felt better if I was by his side," I replied, glancing over to see Elton raising two fingers for how long we had left.

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