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Kaitlin's POV

I'm at Emma's boyfriend's house while she and Luke went to the store to get snacks for watching Movies. To pass the time we decided to play Mario cart in his room since his game system was in his room.

"Do you really need to have this here?" I asked pointing to a pile of dirty socks that smelt like Body odor and sweat. All he did was shrug and toss me and tossed me a controller. He plopped down on his bean bag chair and there was awkward silence.

"So... What do you wanna play?" He asked breaking the silence.

"Mario Cart?" I suggested.

"Okay, but I think you can't handle my skills at this game." he mocked me while signing in and then going to the game Call of Duty.

"Bring it, Clifford! " I said while we began to play the game.

I've never played this game before but I know that you have to win at it and get first place against the person your playing against.

We began at the Starting line. It was counting 1... 2...3... GO!

I started hitting buttons and switching the toggle. I really need to win to boost my self esteem.

Luke's POV

Emma and I went to the store and are now just coming back. We got Doritos and Ruffles along with Root beer and Cola. Emma picked out so many candy you can't even name them all. We left with 5 grocery bags and luckily we went there just in time because The store was about to close.

We're just down the street from Michael's House. Emma is thee one driving since this is her car. I just went to Michael's House after Calum gave me advice about getting rid of her Amnesia.

Within a few minutes we got to Michael's House and when we were about to get out of the car a pigeon flew across and pooped on her windshield.

"Damn Birds and their nerve of pooping on things!" Emma ran out of the car and was wagging her fist at the bird as it flew away.

"I think we should go inside now, before people start to think your crazy." I told her as I took one of the bags.

She turned around and pursed her lips telling me she was thinking. "It. Shit. On. My. Car." she is making a bigger deal than it is out of this.

"Then wash it off later. We should go, They're probably 'starving to death' in there." I said, using quotation marks.

We walked inside and heard screaming and yelling coming from upstairs.

"Ah!" I heard Michael scream. "YES!" After that we heard Kaitlin scream too

Emma and I turned to eachother " They wouldn't... would they?" It sounded like they were doing... something.

We threw the snacks on the couch and ran upstairs then burst open the door to Michael's room. We saw something we did not expect to see. They were playing Mario cart...

"I won, you lost! Get over it!" Kaitlin gloated. Wow, I Should have never doubted her. She wouldn't, even if she lost her memory.

"Oh, hey! Where's the food?" Michael noticed us standing in the door way.

"It's down stairs..." Emma pointed down to the living room.

"Why so awkward? I mean, I just lost and all," he put a hand up so that it seemed like he was whispering bit, he was not. "which is very surprising." He said that and Kaitlin gave him the wtf face. then he put his hand down and said "But that's nothing to be awkward about.

"Yeah, I know that we thought..." I trailed off. " You know what? Never mind what we thought there's food down there along with a movie waiting for us to eat and watch." I changed the subject.

"Yeah! Food!" Kaitlin and Michael got up immediately at the slight mention of food.

My phone buzzed and I got a message from a fan off twitter. I always do get messages from fans but this one caught my eye. It was Helen... I don't even follow her!

'Why do you like Kaitlin? I don't see why you don't like me. I mean I have boobs and a butt! She's just flat and weird.'

What a mean thing to say about someone, especially if that someone is Kaitlin. I know that Kaitlin doesn't know that I'm in a band yet, a famous one in fact but My fans knew that we were together and supported it too. We only dated for a few months but I know for a fact that I really like her maybe even... love? No, not yet. I can't be in love with someone if I have only dated her for a few months. I just really, really, really, really like her a lot.

"Is there something wrong, penguin boy?" Michael asked me? As I found my self on the couch while the movie The Purge: Anarchy was playing.

"No, I'm alright, just a... Twitter that's all." he nodded understandingly. He gets hate but this was not hate for me or my mates. It was from someone I actually knew and for my friend/crush. I still don't understand why Helen is so obsessed with me. I have made no intentions to date her or even show signs that I had a crush on her.

I put my phone down. I just want to stay away from social media because it's just full of mean people that are looking for attention.

It's half way throughout the movie and the girl named Eva or Ava or whatever her name is, has been hunted down because she was a target by a creepy guy, and her husband was bought by rich people to 'cleanse their souls' which is very, very messed up. But, there is this one guy who is against The Purge and wants to help save the people in it. There are these other rich people who were having an auction to kill the group of people. The girl was also in a group, one of them was my favorite and luckily he didn't die, he had a son and wanted to avenge his son by finding the man who killed him. In the end the girl, Eva, her daughter and the man were alive and The Purge was over until the next year. It went to the end credits and the movie ended.

"Well time to go buy knives and guns" Michael got up and started to get his wallet.

"Are you joking?" Emma asked him, still sitting on the couch.

"No, What If that did happen, we would be defenseless!" He through his hands up I the air.

"Mate, you need a permit or a license to have weapons" I stated.

"So maybe I want to get a license to have weapons."

"Just don't it's 7:35 and the weapon store is closed right now." Kaitlin assist as she was looking at her phone.

"Fine. I won't. Just because it's closed." He scoffed and took his coat off. After that it went quiet.

"So, who wants to go somewhere?" Emma broke the silence.

"Sure I don't have to be home until 10." Kaitlin looked up from her phone, and then put it in her pocket.

"There is a beach that's a super awesome place with fire flies at night but, it's a half hour drive." Michael suggested.

"Okay let's go" all three of us said in unison.


I'm sorry I haven't updated in so long and left a cliff hanger! You have permission to call me a bitch.

But I got my phone back and the next update should be sometime Tomarrow or in two days.

Don't forget to read my other stories too!
(- I'm Too Far Gone...
- Remember Me
- Tomarrow Never Dies
- Bad Girls)

I spent a few hours thinking this up so please vote and comment on this. :)

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