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I ran to 'Radio'-which I like to call broadcasting- without another word. I obviously didn't blab anything, about Courtney. She clearly likes Calum. So, I didn't say a word to him about it like the good friend I like to think I am

Once I got in I was just in time, because the bell rang. Signaling that class has begun.

I took my seat and started to listen to Mrs. Dubstep. She has a weird last name but it's alright because she's really good at conducting this class but she's hardly ever in our class period. She doesn't care about our class really.

"Hey, Kaitlin..." I feel a nudge in my side, looking over, I see that it's none other than my colorful haired associate. I raise my eyebrows to let him know I'm listening and he continues.

"Do you know Emma?"He asked me. Why would he ask me if I know Emma. She was my best friend. He should know that. He got closer to me so that no one can hear what he was saying

"Of course, she's my been my best friend since we were in diapers, why?" I look at him skeptical of what he would want to know about my blonde best friend.

"You don't need to know why, nosey." He snorted back with a little attitude. I rolled my eyes at him and motioned for him to continue.

"Well, if you can" He takes a deep breath as if he's about to say something truly very important. "will you tell her to go to the park at 4?"

"Okay, I'll find the time to tell her"

"Don't tell her it's me. I want it to be surprise!" he informed me. I notice his cheeks begin to become red with embarrassment.

"I won't, but if she doesn't go don't blame me." I put my hands up in defense.


I went on my laptop, typing up a script about a boy who aspires to become an extraordinary basketball player but little does he know of a certain stalker/killer trying to target him and his friends because they know something they aren't supposed to. Just as most of it was typed up, my phone buzzed in my pocket. I checked who it was from.

'Hi sorry but can you help me please???'

'Whats wrong I'm in class'

'Just come to the girls bathroom! AND HURRY!!'

'okay damn calm down, i'll try to"

Hm, I wonder what wrong with her. My brows furrowed trying to figue it out.

"Can I use the bathroom?" I ask Mrs. Dubstep. She nods her head and continues to type something on her laptop. I say a small thank you before racing out of my seat.

Running to the restroom, getting a few yells from teachers and staff here and there to not run in the halls, I get there in around under a minute considering our school isn't that large.

I opened the door to see Amy and Emma there surrounding the sink. Damn, the whole gang, who's next? Courtney?

Just as I thought that, Courtney came strolling into the bathroom.

"What took you so long?" Amy asked obviously annoyed at my timing.

"Well I was in class and that's bull, I didn't take long at all, and why aren't you getting mad at her" I gestured toward Courtney.

"We have important things to talk about!"

"Okay, what is it?" I asked.

"We don't have dates to Homecoming!" they all said in Unison. Even Courtney, the one who I thought wouldn't care about it

"Well, I don't think thats an Emergency..." I mumbled.

"Yes it is!" Emma shot back.

"It's 3 months away..." I say sort of annoyed with their 'emergency meetings'

"Still soon!"

I physically face palmed in annoyance. They made me miss class for this? Now this is why I need new friends.

"Well I have to go back to radio! Bye!" I quickly said.

"No! wait help us find dates next month!" Emma asked... well more like yelled asked.

"Okay... I might!" I said as I ran off back to radio.

I didn't really do much in the class, like normal. We never really do much except film and occasionally go on the High School Radio station to talk about random segments.

I hurried to get to my locker, almost running into a few people, but not.

I put in the combination, and it unlocked.

After I got my backpack and books with literature, math and social studies I began to walk down the hallway until someone caught up to me.

It was once again Luke.

"Hey Kaitlin!"

"Hi Luke!"

"Can I walk you home?"


"Where do you live?" He asked in a curious tone of voice.

"Winter Wood 3584." I simply said. I trust him.

"Oh I was asking so that I don't bring you to a random house... And that is So I live in Winter Wood 3583!" He seemed so excited that we were neighbors.That is pretty cool.

"That's awesome! Now we can paint each other's nails, Braid each other's hair and watch scary movies every day!" I laughed at what I said.

"The first two.. I Don't know about but, The watching Scary movies all day is cool.." He said unsure with the first two.

"Okay maybe not the first two but maybe the third one?" I asked him

"Yeah... Just the two of us?"

"Yup... or no"

"How about a Yeah?" he suggested.

"Yeah! which movie?"

"Dawn of the Dead?"

"Original or Re-make?"



We began to talk about what we will do Tomorrow. Since today is Friday Tomorrow will be Saturday.

As soon as we knew it. We were already at our houses.

"Bye Kaitlin!"

"Bye Luke!"

I went inside, and just went upstairs to my room and plopped right on my bed to tell Emma to meet Michael or 'someone' at the park at 4:00. It was 3:48. I still had time.

So I called her.

luckily she picked up.


"Hi Emma go to the park for a surprise!"

"Okay... what is it?"

"It won't be a secret if I tell you!"

"Okay! I'll go there right now!"

"Okay bye!"

I hung up my phone and went to sleep peacefully.

i edited this but some of it still isn't because i got tied but it gonna edit this and since school is out again, i'm gonna try to update again with some riverdale references too ;) but anywho, have fun reading this pile of shittt

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