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Michael's POV

I feel so horrible.

People think I'm ugly and stupid.

I had an Ex named Abigail who won't shut up and won't stop texting me:

'Come back to me, Your so messed up for leaving me, will you ever grow up do the whole world a favor and dye your highlighter hair back to blonde! Hahaha You suck xoxo'

She was a dirty blonde that had blue-Blue eyes. I have NO Idea how I fell for her and asked her out. Now, she won't leave me alone. She even write a song about me called 'You Suck' but I don't give a fxck. Plus she PMSs a lot that text had it all in it. She WAS nice. Now, She's Just a bxtch.

I'm at school and I heard the Teacher talking about me saying 'I think that he is unstable...' to another teacher. Why are they so gossipy?!

I'm mad because she made me sit in the hall where there was a desk. I have to do a test while everyone else got to be on laptops playing video games like League of Leagacy or Pokémon or some shxt.

She is punishing me for nothing!

Our stupid Science Teacher Ms. Paxton, always acts nice to everyone else while she thinks I'm an unstable, ugly freak who dyes his hair too much just like everyone else does.

I heard the door open as Ms. Paxton comes to lecture me once again.

"Do you know why you are in trouble Mr. Clifford?" She asked me in a sharp tone. I hate it when people call me 'Mr.Clifford'.

"No" I answered her with a slang of sass.

"Are you kidding me?" she flung her arms in the air, as I looked at her with a blank expression.

"No, I'm Michael"

"You are in trouble because you flipped a desk and cursed at a student."

"They were saying that I'm stupid and fucking disabled, and that isn't even funny because I know mentally disabled people!" I almost yelled at her. I'm getting fed up with her and her stupid class. I sometimes wonder why she became a teacher. All she does is gossip and teach us people in this school stuff we already know!

"It doesn't give you the right to flip a desk and curse at him!"

"Yes it does!"

"No, and go to the Principal's office!"

"No! I'm gonna go home!" I yelled at her while walking to the front door. The bell rang anyway and school is almost over.

It was 6th period. Now, it was 7th period.

I had radio next but I didn't want to walk all the way to another building.

"Hey Michael!" I heard a girl call for me? I turned around and saw Emma calling after me.

"Hm?" I hummed.

"I heard you got in trouble." She said of more as a statement.

"Yeah, the Science teacher's a bit- I mean is very mean" I caught myself almost swearing.

"Okay... Umm do you want to uh, skip class?" she said out of nowhere. She sounded almost scared.

"I was going to anyway, but I don't want to drag you down with me..." I trailed off.

"I have study hall and I finished All of my work, my mom and dad are gone for a business trip, so I can do anything I want." she shrugged.


"Come on we can go somewhere to get your mind off of things." She insisted.

"Well, Okay" I gave in.

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