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"What do you guys want now..." I said as I walked through the door to find Ashton and Michael doing some sort of weird thing. They looked like they were trying to make a vine like One of those famous viners, Nash Grier or something but failing miserably.

"What are you two doing?" I asked sort of unsure to what the hell they are doing.

"We were waiting for you and so we are making a video for the fans" ash said as he did and I just laughed. Typical.

"But what did you guys want, that was oh so important?" I said in a sarcastic voice.

"Oh yeah... The fans..." Michael trailed off and turned to Ashton.

"The fans..." Ash said with a worried face.

"What about them?" I asked. Did they find out where we are?

"The fans they... are here and are..." Michael looked at me with a sad expression. I waited for him to continue when I realized what happened. The Fans found our location and are gonna mob us.

"Oh no... that can't happen. I mean we finally found a location where they wouldn't mob us and make our lives not normal. And this is right when we-" I was cut off by Michael. "Shut up, they won't find us if we stay hidden like in the movies"

"Yeah we'll eventually they find them and wear their skin to their senior prom!" I said back.

"You know guys it's not all bad you know..." Luke said from the door way as we all jumped from being startled by the Breadstick at the door.

"How is it not all that bad Luke? We will get people asking us for our pictures or what size dick we have or worse... like we said mobbed."

"You know how In Aussie we always wanted to be popular and not rejects, now we're hot and have girls chasing us and will go through anything just to stop a bug from biting us." He tried to make a point, which almost worked.

"So what your saying is that we technically went from 0-1000 just like that" Michael said as he snapped his fingers to show how fast, and Luke nodded. "Wow..." Ashton nodded his head in agreement. How can they think that way? They can bombard us and maybe even ask for billions of pics with us. Or ask to see our... package.

"Are you guys going crazy?" I made my hands make it show kind my head was metaphorically exploding. " Sure the fans made us who we are now, but Do you know what they will do? They are gonna mob us and rip our clothes and maybe even peel off our skin and wear it!" I said slightly exaggerating.

"That's the bad side..." Luke said awkwardly.

"What are we gonna do?" Ashton asked wearing a worried expression.

"I don't know guys but we should think about it and stay at Cal's House" Michael said.

"Why my house?" I asked, I know my parents will say no and my sister will probably have one of her girly friends stay there also.

"Fine at Luke's"Michael said and looked over at Luke to see if we could. He just shrugged and said "I guess so" and we all smiled. his house is one of the best ones I think.

"Wait, Luke, Don't you have a movie theater and a swimming pool?" I chimed in.

"Yeah and a butler man named- What's Mr. Butler's name again?" He wondered aloud.

"Alright then it's settled we're all gonna spend the night at Luke's tonight." Ashton closed the conversation as we all walked out.

I began to walk back to couch when someone pulled me away from the crowd. I hope this isn't a crazy fan.

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