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Calum's POV

"Who is that guy?" I asked Luke. Referring to that boy who got kissed on the Cheek by MY Courtney.

"A guy named Matthew, I Don't know his last name yet. " Michael Answered.

"Who is he? Her boyfriend or something? Are they a thing? Do you think he's good at FIFA? Does he know that her favorite food is spaghetti? He better." I had questions pouring out of my mouth.

"Sadly for you, yes, they are in fact dating." Amy said looking up from her phone. She looked focused on something.

Oh well, I won't ask her what she is doing.

I put my headphones in and put my iphone on shuffle on the The Fray playlist.

Why didn't I do any thing before she got her boyfriend? Maybe because I'm an idiot? A fucktard? I Don't know... Maybe I'm just a shy little boy who is afraid of girls. Yeah I think that's it.

I started to play Temple Run to soothe my brain from chances broken. I felt like my heart just been stomped on by 1,000 rhinos, thrown off a Cliff and landed in a pool of sharks. I feel broken, destroyed, smashed, shattered. Crushed, that's why people call them crushes, you get crushed when you don't get to call them yours.

She won't date him forever... Will she? Now that's just ridiculous. I'm just so confused.

"I'm gonna go to the bathroom." I mumbled.

I walked to the bathroom and saw a few girls giggle just by seeing me. That's weird. They have a crush on me?

Okay brain now don't just assume things, maybe they were giggling because of a different reason.

But then again I am the bassist of a famous band so, I don't know.

I just began to walk faster over to the bathroom, when I was stopped by a girl with ginger red hair.

"Hey are you okay?" The random girl asked with a sweet voice.

"Yeah" I lied.

"My names Chelsea and You must be Calum." She knows my name?

"How do you know my name?"

"You're the co-Captain of the Football Team! Who wouldn't know you?" (Football is Aussie And British Soccer remember!)

I am, I forgot that.

"Oh... I forgot I was co-Captain... how did I forget I was co-Captain?" I said.

"Well are you okay, I mean you look like your about to cry and yeah..."she pointed out.

"Well I'm not and do you know anything of a new Matthew?" I asked curiously.

"Matthew Espinosa?"

"Yeah." I think so. I don't know his last name. bit he's the only Matthew I know.

"He's from a different City but moved over here with his Cousin about a week ago." There has to be more. I know there is more to this because I've been here for Months and never got a chance

"Is that all?

"Yeah, he just moved here and I Don't know why."

"Do you know of Courtney Duke?" I asked.

"Yup! She's Dating Matthew"

"Well, do you have any idea how to get them to break up?" Homecoming! I just remembered! He's probably going to ask her to home coming. Or they might just go together because they are dating and there really is no reason to ask if you know that you're going with the person of your dreams.

"I honestly have no idea at all, but don't end up like me because I was in the same situation as you, crushing on a guy who was dating a girl who was pretty enough to be a model and I had no chance. I was best friends with him. "She sighs.

"You know what that mean, No secrets at all. Then he told me he was dating 'a hot Spanish girl  named Vanessa.'

"I think I actually felt my heart break in a million pieces, and I watched them make out in the hallway the very next day..." she put her head down.

I felt so bad for her. I know exactly how she feels, and it feels like your stomach is doing gymnastics and they at doing a move called 'Let's make Y/N feel like shit' routine.

"Then one day I got fed up with them and told him my feelings, he said sorry, I'm taken and not on the market, he treated me like I was just a random fangirl on the Street, and I thought 'Why? Why Justin? I thought you said friends forever even through anything... anything' I felt one hot tear come down my cheek and I wiped it away quickly.

"Thanks for the advice." I thanked her.

"No prob! I feel lighter and happier because I've been holding that in for so long!" I nodded to let her know she heard me.

That story she told is kind of relatable to Courtney and I, She's probably gonna tell me that she got a boyfriend. I will tell her that I Lik- no LOVE her then, I just don't want her to be taken away from me... That will work for sure.

Courtney is my NOT going to be my Heartbreak Girl. I want her to be My girl without the heartbreak.

I will not go down knowing the one I love is in the arms of a guy that is not me.



Did Chelsea's Story of her Ex-Crush give you feels?

How do you think Courtney will react to Calum telling her he loves her?

Are there sparks in between Amy and Ashton? (Not much romance here! XC lol)

-Sorry for the short chapter! Xx-



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