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Kaitlin's POV

"Calum's so,cute..." Courtney said in a dreamy voice. She has fallen hard for him. Even though they have only met for about 15 minutes.

" I think he doesn't like me..." she said quietly. She is always such a downer about things.

Emma and Amy began to eat the rest of their food while listening to Courtney.

"He probably does Like you, your just being a downer." I assured her.

"How do you know?"

"I can see the way you both look at each other... Like you are... in love?" I tried to explain how much they liked each other. Even though they have only known each other for about 15 minutes at most.

Oh no... this sounds so cheesy!

"Maybe..." Courtney said.

"Oh Crap we have 6 minuets to get back to school!" Amy said out of nowhere.

We ran back to Courtney's car. And drove back to school.

I looked out the window and began to think. I started to think about homecoming. It was 4 months away. Will Emma, Amy and Courtney have dates? What will they wear? Will they have a great time? I want them to have the time of their lives. I will find out who their crushes are.

Then I began to think about myself.

What will I wear? Will I have a date? Will I be happy too? Will Luke ask me? Of course not. He won't ask me. He's to perfectly perfect...

By the time I was done thinking about Homecoming, we were at school.

I ran to the Library.

I had to go to Study hall. I only had math work. So I tried to finish all of them. Until I got to the last page. I flipped the page over in hope that there was no back side, and guess what was there? A back side to the math homework.

"What the fuck is this?!" I mumbled to myself. I don't even understand half of this and I need to do 2 pages?

Ashton must have heard me. Well, he was sitting in front of me.

" The first answers or the first one is 2x with a remainder 5" he answered my equation.

"Thank you" I smiled at him and wrote down the answer. I think I got this. I probably don't but At least I can try.

"I think Luke likes you." he informed me randomly.


"He told me he likes you"

"I doubt that"

"It's true, I swear I'm not lying!"


"Well I'm not, and you'll know I'm right when he asks you to homecoming."

"That's 4 months away and he just got here." I stated.

"He wants to ask you before anyone else and he will in 4 months. Plus he says its love at first sight. Yeah that's weird but a little cute too."

"Oh... uh" I was speechless

"I Don't know why your denying it... I know you like him."

"Maybe I do and maybe I don't"

"Okay whatever you say."

He turned back around and the bell rang.

Next class was Art. My 3 best friends were in it.

It went pretty fast considering it was for an hour. I had to go to a whole different building for radio. I ran to class and ran into someone by accident.

Wow. Twice in one day. That's a new record.

The person I ran into was Calum. Why am I running into so many boys today?

"Sorry" I apologized.

"Okay." He said as he made himself stable.

"Kay, I need to get to class. Uh bye"

"Wait, do you know who Courtney likes?" He asked as I began to run off to class.

"Uh... No!" I said and ran to class. I didn't say because I knew that she thought he was cute and nice but I'm pretty sure that she's going to have a crush on him.

That was Everything I didn't say...



Hello my lovely readers am I beginning to get a hang of this writing thing?

Please leave more comments and votes because it makes my day!

Love ya! ;*

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