My love for him FELT real

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Authors POV:
The past couple of months had been amazing for Jungkook. He met his hyungs regularly, he recovered well, he also slowly started to trust his soulmate Jin.

Whenever his hyungs came over Jin would always make an effort with them. He did end up winning the hearts of three of his hyungs. Namjoon, Hoseok and Tae were all slowly accepting Jin. However, Jimin and Yoongi both had their suspicions. Hence, their own soulmate bonds were distancing.

They argued about how Jin hasn't changed and that topic led to people sleeping on the couch and miserable mates.

Jungkook on the other hand had grown to love Jin again. He promised himself he would not but what can you do, Jin was amazing. Not only by his looks; those broad shoulders, that defined jawline, that hot face...the muscular body and those damn kissable lips. Jin was also amazing by his personality; he had the tendency to be caring, he always made sure Jungkook was happy, safe and loved.

Jungkook wished he felt this before. He wished Jin had never treated him that way before. However, everything comes to an end and finally Jungkook's misery did too.

You could see the sudden changes in Jungkooks behaviour too. He was a lot more clingy now, he demanded hugs from Jin and most of the time he would be in the safety of his alphas arms.

When Jungkook came home that day he was met with a silent house and all the lights were turned off. Don't get him wrong, he lives in a mansion and it's quiet anyway, but you can always here the maids, butlers, and bodyguards out and about. Today it was so silent that it was almost deafening. Plus the lights were turned off.

Call Jungkook stupid or whatever but he didn't know where the lights were, such a big room and in the dark how would he find it?

He walked further into the room trying not to fall when the lights suddenly opened and Jin jumped in his view yelling "surprise". Jungkook was jungshook but he loved it anyway. He looked around the house and it was decorated beautifully.

"My love, finally you are trusting me, so I had to surprise you...I want to see that smile on your face again." Jungkook was speechless he walked over to Jin and did something he swore he never would. He kissed Jin. His lips met jin's plump ones and they moved in sync. Jin suddenly took control the alpha in him I guess. Jungkook was now moaning and Jin held his face and played with his hair.

Jungkook was on cloud 9 he loved Jin he knew he did. The feelings had just been pushed down before because of how he had treated him. Now that he's starting to trust him everything seems to fall into place.

The moment jungkooks lips touched jin's he knew he had fallen all over again. They pulled apart for breath and touched their foreheads together. Then Jungkook cried. Jin held him and hugged him tight. "I love you so much Jin hyung".

Jin looked down at the broken boy in his arms and shut his eyes tightly. Tears slipped and he too cried. He struggled a bit to form the words but he said it too. "I love you too Jungkook".

Jungkook POV:
Once the crying fit was over Jin hyung sat me on a chair in our room. Then he blind folded me and said he would tie my hands to my chair. That sounded awfully wrong but before I could protests he already started to kiss me and tie me up.

Once he was done he said "I'm going to get my present ready you wait there kook". Then he left. Gosh knows how long it had been but I was starting to feel sleepy. Once I heard him comeback I sat up straight. He came to remove my blindfold...well I thought it was him until I realised it was not. It couldn't have been because jin hyung was sat on our bed and a girl a very hot one I have to admit sat on his lap.

Loving you...Isn't always easy - soulmate au (Jinkook, Jihope, NamTaeGi)Where stories live. Discover now