Finally set free

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Authors POV:
Chaos! Utter chaos that's exactly what was happening in the Min household. Everyone was panicking for literally no reason.

Yes, they were going sky diving but it wasn't in like another country. It was literally in Daegu. First Hoseok thought to take it to Busan where Jimin grew up with his older brother Namjoon, but when he heard from Jungkook that he didn't have many nice memories there he changed it to Daegu.

What a considerate boyfriend.

Anyways, they were packing or should I say trying to pack. The thing is nothing ever goes right with these seven...eight if you count Eomma Min but then again she doesn't have issues like these.

One thing Hoseok was concerned about though in Daegu was that it may trigger unwanted memories for Yoongi and Jungkook. However, Jungkook promised him that he himself was too young to remember anything that happened there and Yoongi had left for university even before something traumatic could happen to him.

Hoseok worries about everyone and everything hence why he was glaring daggers at Jimin who refused to get up from the bed and pack.

He sighed in frustration and threw his arms in the air just to pull them back down again. "This! This Jimin is probably the reason why I never plan trips. This trip was for YOU and you're the only one that's not packing, everyone else is doing their bit. Chim come on".

The end part of Hoseok's lecture came out as a beg and almost a whine but he didn't care. He has had to beg Jimin for multiple things before and he was ready to do it now too.

You don't know Jimin the way Hoseok does, this cute mochi can be a nightmare.

Jimin looked up from his book and eyed Hoseok who was having a dramatic breakdown for no reason. According to Jimin they had a lot of time left. For example; Their train wasn't till 6pm today and it was currently 9am. Secondly, Jimin had already packed and it was in front of Hoseok's eyes as soon as he walked into the walk in wardrobe. It's not Jimin's fault his alpha was too blind to see it.

Also the thing is Jimin is a little shit. He will do ANYTHING do get on someone's last nerve. Sorry his Alpha's last nerve because honestly it was funny to annoy Hoseok. His reactions were the best.

So Jimin instead of telling Hoseok that he has packed and giving the man a break he turned back to his book and let his stupid boyfriend continue to moan and whine.

The book Jimin was reading was one his Namjoon and Yoongi hyung had recommended. It was called 'Almond' by Won-Pyung Sohn. A/N: ( Its a real book and Namgi in REAL LIFE have recommended it. Iv purchased it and I will let you know how it is)

Hoseok looked at Jimin's retrieving figure and calmed himself before running out of the room. Jimin just lightly chuckled because his alpha can be so funny at times.

It hadn't been long before Hoseok came back but this time with Namjoon...who was literally being dragged here.

"Look Joonie he's literally just sat there reading. Readings good I get it but not when we have several other things to do".

Namjoon looked at Jimin then at the book he was so interested in that he didn't even realise both Hoseok and himself were stood there.

Namjoon knew how addictive the book was so he didn't question the fact that he was so indulged init.

Namjoon chuckled and said "That book has gotten the best of us. Seokie let him read and maybe you pack for him?"

Hoseok sighed and said "I would BUT he's so picky like literally so picky. Whatever I pack he will moan about. I can't handle all my hard work going to vein.

Loving you...Isn't always easy - soulmate au (Jinkook, Jihope, NamTaeGi)Where stories live. Discover now