That should have been me

774 38 7

There is some explicit language in this chapter. There is also some use of homophobic slurs. I DO NOT CONDONE THIS TYPE OF BEHAVIOUR. It is solely for the purpose of the story.

Jungkook POV:
I woke up feeling very numb and tired. Then I recalled how I behaved the day prior and felt sick. Did I seriously behave that way with Jin Hyung? Did I seriously crawl into his arms and practically beg him?

I suddenly started feeling really embarrassed, I got up and looked for my hyungs. They were all downstairs talking and silently enjoying each other's company.

When Yoongi hyung saw me he instantly ran to me. "Why are you out of bed?" I smiled "because I feel fine". He sighed and lead me to the couch. Everyone looked hesitant to talk to me but I acted normal.

"I'm sorry about yesterday hyungs, I shouldn't have behaved so rudely to Ken but most importantly I invaded Jin hyungs privacy. I'm sorry hyung".

They were all shaking their heads. "Why are you apologising Kook? Everyone has those days. We can't always be happy...because without bad days we wouldn't be grateful for our good ones". Jin hyung spoke calmly as always.

THIS this is why I was loving this man. This is why I fell for him. I smiled shyly and the conversation just sort of took off from there.

No one mentioned anything about yesterday after that, I don't know if Jimin and Hoseok hyung told everyone WHY I behaved that way but it didn't look like it since no one looked uncomfortable. No one as in Jin hyung.

"Guys!!! Me and Hoseok hyung are going to go out today. I've been bugging him about this one place for ages". Spoke Jimin.

"That reminds me, Yoongi hyung, me and Namjoon hyung are going to the theme park today too". Spoke Taehyung

"That's really cool, I want to go out too...JIN HYUNG WILL YOU ACCOMPANY ME? These guys are going on dates". I spoke and rolled my eyes.

Before Jin hyung could reply Yoongi hyung spoke. "You mister you aren't going anywhere, not until you have recovered".

I sighed as I said "that's no fair because I'm not staying here alone."

"Jin hyungs staying with you". Said Jimin as he smirked at me.

I blushed and walked away. "Whatever".

I heard them all chuckle after me.

~ Some time later ~

The house seemed awfully quite and I figured maybe my hyungs had gone out now. I turned around again to look for Jin hyung then remembered what I had done and decided against it.

Thinking it was finally time to confront Ken I called him up instead.

Authors POV:
Yoongi, Taehyung and Namjoon all arrived at the theme park. "Hyungs I want to go on all the rides. The Ferris wheel, the roller coaster and all sorts".

Yoongi smiled at his omega and said "of course let's go bubs". Taehyung dragged his alphas to the line of the first ride and he jumped about happily.

The line was long but not for Taehyung he was having fun using his omega privileges. First he made Namjoon hold him whilst they waited, then he pulled Yoongi's face and played with it making him have funny faces. He elicited a lot of laughs and giggles from his Hyungs.

They eventually got to the front of the line and that's when taehyung started to get worried. "Hyung maybe I don't want to go". He looked up at Yoongi and Yoongi smirked. "Too late for that bubs you're going".

Both alphas dragged their omega and made him sit in between them. Then the ride started and Taehyung just held on to Namjoon screaming into his embrace.

Loving you...Isn't always easy - soulmate au (Jinkook, Jihope, NamTaeGi)Where stories live. Discover now