"Omega...you will do as I say..."

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Seulgi POV
I woke up and I was expecting to have a stiff back and sore neck but no, I was laying in a soft, warm and cloud like bed. More specifically my bed. I thought back to who may have put me here since I knew I slept on the floor.

My mind went to Irene but then I remembered I was worthless to her so she wouldn't have. I tried to properly move my wrists and I just couldn't. It was throbbing and very itchy.

I restrained myself from itching which would just increase the pain further and sat up on my bed. I stared off into the distance looking at the arm chair that lay on the side of my bed.

I didn't hear the knock that supposedly happened as a figure walked past me and sat on the bed. Their hand touched mine and I was startled out of my thoughts as the touch burned me.

I saw her...my so called mate and I rolled my eyes as I got up to leave. She stopped me and pulled me back. "Seulgi listen to me". I scoffed as I said "I'm done listening, you didn't want me right? So don't keep crawling back to me like a little bitch".

I saw the anger flash in her eyes before she completely concealed it. "I'm sorry okay, just listen to me".

I got up and stepped away from her. My body was reacting to her touch, her words, and her presence. "I don't want to listen. Stop hurting me then coming to say sorry, then fucking with me, making out with me and having sex with me. Then once you're bored go back to hurting me. I'm not some sort of doll I'm your SOULMATE".

She look startled by my outburst and got up from the bed as she stepped closer to me. I moved back but she caught me by my hand and turned me around as she pushed me onto the bed.

Then she positioned herself on top of me. She held my hands above my head and stared deeply into my eyes. She looked down to my lips as I struggled under her grip.

"Don't do it again Irene, don't. Stop hurting me, you're going to kiss me, then apologise then I'm gonna fall for you all over again only for you to hurt me. PLEASE IRENE LEAVE ME ALONE".

She didn't leave me, in fact she nuzzled her nose into my neck and scented me. She wanted my scent all over her apparently and her scent all over me too. She whimpered and she's never done that before.

Then she kissed my mate mark, the one she forced on me...she left open mouth kisses then sucked on it and I couldn't help but moan.

Then she said the seven simple words that had me on my knees ready to listen. She used her omega command on me. The one only mates can use and the omega has to submit even if it was unwillingly "Omega...you will do as I say..."

Jungkook POV
I woke up and I had no idea where I was until my eyes completely adjusted to my surroundings.

I felt a warm hand holding mine or was I holding the hand? I'm sorry I was not with it in the mornings. I looked over to my right side and like I said I was holding someone's hand. Their hand was limb in my strong grasp. I blushed when I saw who it was.

Jin hyung was there on the floor asleep, he was lightly snoring and I was gripping onto his hand like he would leave me. His head was on the side of my bed and I just looked at him.

I admired his beautiful features. The defined nose, the perfect lashes, plump lips and symmetrical face. His hair was covering most of his face and with my other hand I removed it so he could sleep comfortably.

I didn't want to let go of his hand so for ten mins I just watched him sleep. Smiling to myself. I also realised how I referred to him as Jin hyung now and not Jin.

He slowly got up and looked at me. I was a mess trying to avoid his gaze. He smirked and even early in the morning this man was ready to tease me. "Does someone have a crush?"

Loving you...Isn't always easy - soulmate au (Jinkook, Jihope, NamTaeGi)Where stories live. Discover now