That's what I was waiting to hear

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Yoongi POV
"Why did you push him?" I yelled angrily without turning towards Taehyung. I wish I had because then I saw him fall into Jin hyung arms with a bullet pierced through his shoulder I realised how wrong I truly was. My world has shattered seeing him like this. I felt hopeless even more so than I was with Jungkook.

"Yoongi hyung I did say I would rectify my mistake. I gave you back your happiness hyung. I'm sorry for not being good enough. I'm sorry I hurt you". Taehyung spoke in short breaths.

My happiness? Wait...fuck. I did it again. "Bubs..listen to me I'm sorry." Then I ran over to them and saw Taehyung's eyes closed.

Jin hyung cried as he looked at me. "Yoongs look what happened. He tried to save kookie and he's hurt himself. He saved our happiness but forgot he's also our euphoria."

I nodded at Jin hyung and I saw Hoseok calling the ambulance. I then ran over to my so called father and held him by the collar.

"If anything happens to my Taehyung I will kill you! Do you understand?"

The man had the audacity to laugh in my face angering me further. "I thought hurting Jungkook would get you to fall on your knees and beg but all I had to do was get that precious mate of yours and fuck him. That way Yoongi would be begging me for his life and his innocence".

I wanted to kill this man. How dare he sexualise my Taehyung? I started punching him until blood dripped from his face and I was pulled back by Ken and Namjoon.

"Stop hyung! You need to get a grip. The police will deal with him". Shouted Hoseok. I knew he was right.

The police handcuffed Mr Min with the help of Officer Chan. Yet there was no stopping that man's nonsense. "If I had gone for Taehyung alone then I wouldn't be caught. I could have gotten THE Min Yoongi to kill his own brother to save his little mate".

I wanted to go at him again but I was held back firmly. "Hyung don't you dare! He's provoking you and you're letting him. Tae needs you outside not IN Prison."

I nodded at his words as Mr Min was taken away. The ambulance had thankfully arrived ages ago and Jin hyung went with Tae into the ambulance.

"Let's go to the hospital". I spoke and they all nodded.

Once we arrived at the hospital we saw Jin hyung waiting in the emergency ward. Jungkook ran up to him and hugged him tightly. "Hyung he's gonna be okay right?"

Jin hyung just nodded and pushed Jungkook away from him. "Kook your mate is there, stop clinging onto me." With that he got up and started pacing the corridor.

I saw hurt evident in Jungkooks eyes and then it reminded me of a similar scene. Taehyung. I did he exact same thing with him.

How could I be so foolish? I motioned for Ken to go and comfort kookie and he did. I saw a glimpse of Officer Chan before he turned to talk to Hoseok and he looked upset at the sight of Ken and Kookie.

I just sighed as my legs gave up and before I could hit the floor Joon had held me. "Hyung it's gonna be okay. I know you didn't mean what you said. Tae is under the impression that he isn't good enough. Just prove him wrong once he's awake".

I nodded and started to cry in Namjoons embrace. It hurt so much to see my omega in so much pain. Everyone around us in pain.

"Joon I still can't rest in peace, I have kook and Tae will be okay soon too...I hope but Jimin! Where is he? HOW is he?"

Joon hugged me back with so much strength that all my pain ALMOST disappeared but then again it hadn't completely.

"I don't know how he is, I wish to know how he is. We are suffering but no one bothered to ask Seokie how he is. We need to find him but there's so much going on". Explained Namjoon.

Loving you...Isn't always easy - soulmate au (Jinkook, Jihope, NamTaeGi)Where stories live. Discover now