I'm never gonna let you feel pain again

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Jungkook POV:
I woke up and my entire body ached, yet at the same time I felt numb. What was happening to me? What did I do to deserve this?

I thought back to how amazing my brother treated Taehyung and I wish I had that too, I wish that Jin wasn't the way he was. I wish he treated me like I was human at least. I am his soulmate yet he thinks it's okay to hurt me the way he does.

I was deep in thought when the door opened revealing my....Jimin hyung. He smiled his eye smile at me and I giggled in response. "How's my kookie doing?"

"I'm fine Jimin hyung in a bit of pain but I'm good". Just like that the two of us spoke and for a minute I forgot about all my worries. The doctors then walked in and examined me.

"You're Min Yoongi's brother aren't you?" One of them asked. I smiled "yes I am". They told me funny stories about hyung back in med school then they told me what happened. "First time you passed out due to exhaustion and a fever, the second time due to the extreme pain you feel when your soulmate....cheats on you." The doctor continued to talk as I felt a huge burden being placed on myself. I knew he hated me but would he seriously cheat? Is that why I have these marks?

Once the doctors left Jimin hyung asked me to fill him in. When I didn't utter a word he gave me a look that frightened me enough to say what had happened. I left out the harsh treatment and just said he acted cold and ignored me. So it came as a surprise that he cheated.

Jimin hyung was furious and I could tell. I on the other hand wanted to rip my skin away, these marks would forever be an indication of him cheating on me. I decided enough was enough and for the first time I mind linked him.

"Hyung, where are you? Why haven't you come to meet me at the hospital? Especially since it's your fault. Your omega is injured and hurt." I mocked him and the whole idea of mates.

I had never thought he would reply but when he did I was confused and a little bit happy. "Kookie, baby, hyung's coming, I'm so sorry I left you alone. I have so many explanations to give you. I'm entering the hospital right now". I froze at the way he spoke and his choice of words. Something has happened to him or he isn't the Jin I have known since our wedding.

I waited patiently and indeed he did come. He ran in and kissed me on my forehead, my cheeks and then my lips. For the first time since our marriage I truly felt love radiating from him. I laid there frozen as he passionately kissed me and pushed his lips onto mine.

I came out of my trans and kissed back...it felt unreal and I couldn't make sense of it all. We pulled apart and I looked into his eyes. They showed guilt and hurt. Then tears slipped from my eyes.

What was happening and when will it all make sense again? I took a deep breath as he wiped my tears. He sat on the stool that was once occupied by Jimin hyung but he went out to take an important call. He held my hand and spoke "forgive me baby, please I'm so sorry I hurt you. I was pathetic, you're my soulmate of course I love you".

I froze at his words..."you love me?" He nodded with tears in his eyes. I pulled my hand away and spoke harshly even though my wolf was whimpering and was ready to forgive him. "If you loved me you wouldn't have cheated".

Now it was his turn to freeze. He shook his head no as an indication but I turned away.

I won't let you hurt me anymore Kim Seokjin.

Jimin POV:
I walked outside to take an important call, it was from work. Since Namjoon hyung was busy I was taking care of it all. I finished up the call real quick and glanced inside the room.

Jin was there and he was talking to Jungkook. I let them have their privacy...for now. I decided to walk around until I heard a voice and my wolf started screaming "mate".

Loving you...Isn't always easy - soulmate au (Jinkook, Jihope, NamTaeGi)Where stories live. Discover now