It's bubs not Taehyung

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I need you guys to tell me your favourite ship so I can use them for my next story. There will be the main ship but I'll have the others as my side just like this book and my other ones too.

Comment what type of story you want next and which ship too. It would mean a lot

Taehyung POV
After my talk with Jin hyung I knew I had to make sure I wasn't behaving the way I was with Yoongi hyung. Yes, I was mad and I want him to understand but that really doesn't mean I should speak to him that way.

I walked downstairs to see Namjoon hyung sat on the sofa on his laptop probably working, I saw Jimin cuddling Hoseok hyung as Hoseok hyung read a book whilst sitting with Namjoon hyung.

Jungkook was sat on the floor besides his three hyungs playing on the phone despite the fact that there were so many seats to sit on.

Ken was nowhere to be seen, I'm guessing he left but I'm not quite sure yet. Without them noticing me I walked to look for Yoongi hyung. I saw Jin hyung throw me a thumbs up as he came down the stairs.

Yoongi hyung was sat on the kitchen counter talking to someone on the phone. I walked up to him and he smiled at me. I slowly smiled back and he said "Tae I would like you to meet someone, my aunty".

Instantly I panicked but hyung held my hand after asking me if it was okay. I smiled into the phone "hello Yoongi's aunty". I spoke nervously.

She giggled cutely and her smile was just like Yoongi hyung's I'm guessing she's Mrs Min's blood sister. But you could tell the resemblance. I was honestly mesmerised by that gummy smile and I'm so glad that Yoongi hyung had inherited it.

"Taehyung just call me Eomma, that's what Yoongi and joon call me. Plus you are after all my Yoongi's and Joonie's omega. How are you my child?" I blushed at her words and spoke calmly now. "I'm okay Eomma. I was just talking to my brother then decided to check up on hyung". She nodded understandingly.

Then just like that our conversation flowed. I was no longer nervous I warmed up to her in seconds. I even took the phone off Yoongi hyung as I started telling her stories and bits about me as I also listened to her likes and dislikes.

"Taehyung I think I know your Eomma, she used to live in Daegu didn't she? You all did?" I nodded frantically at her. She smiled and I said "yes, her and appa moved here since they missed me and Hyung but they're still like a good drive away from us".

A little more conversation later she told me how she wants to come and visit Yoongi and Jungkook soon so I obviously was very excited to hear this and told her that I couldn't wait for her arrival.

Once we bid goodbyes I cut the call and I swear I haven't felt so happy in a long time. Talking to Yoongi's aunty...a mother figure made me release a lot of tension I had built up.

I continued to look at hyungs Lock Screen which consisted of me, Joon hyung and Yoongi hyung. I hadn't realised that Yoongi hyung was smiling fondly at me until he cleared his throat.

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