It's not your fault, it never was

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Hoseok POV:
We came home with Jungkook. When I say home I mean to Namjoon and Yoongi hyung's house. They had a really big house and since we were all exhausted the plan was to stay here. Stay here until kook woke up.

Jungkook had been carried in by Namjoon and he was in between me and Jimin through the car ride. Whilst Namjoon drove (jokes) Yoongi and Tae sat at the very back.

Things felt gloomy and dark there was this ringing in my ear it was almost deafening. Key word ALMOST. I could still hear the soft cries from Tae and my own mate.

Jungkook's state wasn't any better. We knew once he got up he wouldn't remember Jin. That thought alone scared me.

"I know non of us here want to talk about this and me out of anyone shouldn't be saying this but I'm not ready for kook to get up and not remember Jin".

Yoongi hyung looked up at me and I thought he would lash out but no. "Hoseok, I understand, Jungkook was in love with Jin. Jin also seems to love him. Their relationship shouldn't have ended this way."

I heard a few hums from amongst the five of us. Until Tae just ran into Jimin's arms out of nowhere. "What happened Tae?" Jimin carefully asked. He didn't want to startle the boy.

"It's all my hyungs fault, they could have been so happy together but it took him forever to see how much kookie adored him. I haven't just lost my best friend I have also lost my brother. How will he live without his mate?"

Namjoon looked at the wall and let his tears slip. "He needs to learn Tae, he has to. He won't get another mate but Jungkook will since his body refused his alpha. It's almost like a compensation for not being treated right."

Yoongi hyung carried on from Namjoon. "Plus these cases don't end well, Jin only has enough time until Jungkook find his other mate after that or should I say once they mate jin will never be able to have a chance with Jungkook again. Not that the chances were very high from the start."

Tae pulled away from Jimin and spoke. "What are the chances right now?"

I looked over at Yoongi hyung and he nodded. Of course I knew. "The chances are...5% only a 5 percent chance that Jungkook and Jin will reunite and once Jungkook has met his new mate then 1% and once he is mated then well..."

Tae cried again. That's all the poor omega had been doing. He hasn't been able to take this lightly and neither had Jimin. Jimin however, controlled himself better.

"Taebear listen to your alpha...this isn't your fault and I know it's an omega instinct to look out for your other omegas but crying isn't going to help. I know you feel Jungkook's pain but so does Jimin. Come on let's get you to bed." Namjoon spoke confidently and then took taehyung upstairs.

"Guys make yourself at home, literally since Jimin lived here before. Jimin take Hoseok to your old room it's still the same dont worry. I wouldn't dare change it. Both of you take rest and we will see how jungkook's condition is tomorrow. Good night!"

Like that Yoongi hyung also went upstairs. I looked over at Jimin and smiled. "Come on my little mochi I'll pick you up and you can direct me to your room".

With that I picked him up and he instructed me to the room. Walking in I could instantly tell this was his room. It was beautifully decorated and I could tell Namjoon loved spoiling his younger brother. I mean who wouldn't. Look at him.

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Loving you...Isn't always easy - soulmate au (Jinkook, Jihope, NamTaeGi)Where stories live. Discover now