Their little omega

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Have you ever wondered what Eomma Min looks like? Well this is my idea of her. I think she's an actress but I'm not sure. Eomma Min is meant to look warm and inviting and this is how I perceive her.

Namjoon POV:I'm so glad I can spend some time with Yoongi hyung

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Namjoon POV:
I'm so glad I can spend some time with Yoongi hyung. I feel like I need this. I need Namgi before I can get NamTaeGi back.

I want to feel like how I did before Taehyung came. I love Taehyung so much but I wanted to be with Yoongi hyung and just embrace him. I wanted to be the submissive one for the time being.

Then I wanted to spoil Tae with all my love.

I took a deep breath as me and Yoongi hyung came to my room. He looked at me and pulled his arms out.

I walked up to him and just let him embrace me. He sniffed me and said "You smell like Tae with a mixture of yourself and ugh it's driving me crazy".

I chuckled in his embrace and said "What shall we do hyung? I want to spend as much time as I can with you".

He hummed and said "Whatever we do it doesn't matter as long as I am with you".

I blushed at was such a nice feeling having my hyung back.

I pulled away and pulled him to the bed. "Let's just watch a movie and cuddle, I just want to be in your arms hyung."

He laughed and for gosh sake I loved that may sound cheesy but it was music to my ears. His laugh was low and soft it made me feel so alive and like I was in some dream.

Then that smile he always did, that gummy one. You could see all his perfect teeth the beautiful white shade of them plus the pink off his gums.

I was melting away with this man's beauty and a part of me didn't believe that I was the lucky one that stole this man's heart.

He spoke in a soft voice "I thought you too were an alpha Joon". I smiled at his words and said "When I'm with you hyung I am the most submissive and I don't care if I act like an omega...that concept shouldn't even exist but I like it. I love the way you pamper me, hold me and kiss me. It makes me realise how much life is worth living because I get to wake up to you...the freaking love of my life."

Yoongi hyung looked taken aback by that but nonetheless he gently pulled me to him and held my face. "May I kiss my sweet not so little mate?" I smiled at his words and nodded.

I leaned in and closed my eyes, the kiss was a sweet soft one. Where our lips felt like they were barley touching yet I still felt the sparks, the euphoria.

We just kept them together like they were meant to be that way. There was no tongue and no aggressive sucking it was just us completing each other.

I felt like a school girl at prom who FINALLY got a kiss from her crush. I was internally screaming because damn I missed those lips.

Loving you...Isn't always easy - soulmate au (Jinkook, Jihope, NamTaeGi)Where stories live. Discover now