You aren't him

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Ken smirked "that's what I was waiting to hear!"

Authors POV:
Jin may have happily claimed Jungkook in front of all of them but how was Ken feeling?

Happy? Did he not like Jungkook? Sad? That he may lose his soulmate? Well non of those were actually true.

Ken was well..he was neutral. That meant he did not worry too much about how he felt but rather about how Jin and Jungkook felt.

"That's what I wanted to hear". Came Ken's loud voice.

The hyungs looked over at him confused and Jungkook had only now just realised he was in Ken's arms and he also felt guilty.

He tried to get off but Ken held him. "Ken what are you saying?" Hoseok asked.

Ken smiled and said "I accepted long ago that my Jungkook wasn't mine. He was better off with Jin. I just needed Jin and possibly Jungkook to both realise that. I vowed myself that I'd let Jungkook go once I felt it was safe to. It's safe now kook. Go to Jin. He is your mate after all."

Jungkook did get up. He also pulled Ken up. Then he hugged him. "You mean that hyung?" Ken hugged back and said "of course I would do anything for you".

Yoongi looked towards them and said "Jungkook before you go to Jin hyung you need to find out the truth. The WHOLE truth. I'm not saying Ken is the second choice but you may not want Jin hyung after you remember what happened."

Jin looked down in shame but Ken and Jungkook looked up curiously. The others looked like they would be sick, because what if Jungkook couldn't handle the truth? What if they lost another maknae? They have already lost jimin, Taehyung isn't waking up, they cannot lose Jungkook too.

"Why does everyone say something about the bond we had? What were me and hyung before? Did something happen? Is he my mate? but how's that possible?"

Jungkook was still clueless. He didn't know the whole truth. He believed his dad had lied. Things didn't make sense anymore.

"Hyung listen to me...will you be able to tell me what happened? What did father talk about? What were we hyung? Jungkook softly spoke as he held Jin's hand.

"Kook if you choose to leave after this I understand but please don't hate me...try and forgive me".

Jungkook slowly nodded as Jin started his story. "We were arranged to get married, we also turned out to be mates in this. Your father told me to marry you and make your life a living hell because your birth killed her. Apparently you were always drinking and abusing him as in your father and he even showed me bruises. I refused to believe it until he showed me 'evidence'. I look back and think maybe he got someone to do this to him and recorded it to frame you".

Jungkook was shocked with this information but he listened on. "I married you to hurt you and I guess I was successful. The night of our marriage I said hurtful things to you and hurt you so much cause I danced to the rhythm of your father. It hurt even more knowing you were my mate. Eventually, he told me to sleep with someone in front of you so I could watch you suffer. Remember Irene? She hated Seulgi so her and you were tied up and you watched us make out. I guess we just kissed because I couldn't let it escalate. Looking at you it made me sick for whatever I was doing. I was hurting you and that's when I realised I didn't want to. You made me feel a special way kook."

Loving you...Isn't always easy - soulmate au (Jinkook, Jihope, NamTaeGi)Where stories live. Discover now