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*please ready my note at the end...I need your help* your authors mind is blank <3

Jin POV:
I walked towards the location of the meet up. I was nervous because I let this man manipulate me and now here I was ready to confront him.

Things didn't seem right, I knew I would get answers but I also knew they weren't going to be the ones I wanted to hear.

He stood by the Han river looking over the view, I walked over to him and stood besides him. The wind blew our hair as we stood there with our hands on our pockets.

"What did you want to say, my child?" I smiled at the warmth in his voice. "Sir, I hate beating around the bush so I'm just going to say it". He nodded as I took a deep breath. "Everything you said he did? Was it true? Does he truly deserve it all?"

I wasn't stupid, I knew it wasn't true. My love and the innocence within Jungkook told me that it wasn't true. I jsut had to provoke it to know the REAL truth.

"Are you stupid? I have told you several times and also provided you with evidence, of course it's true".

"I don't believe so, he's my mate and I have fallen for him. I saw how he was, I saw his innocence and I saw the love in his eyes. He isn't like that. He isn't ruthless and he doesn't care only about money. He cares about feelings."

The man sighed as he turned to me. "I have said what I wanted to and now I shall leave, next time don't waste my time like this". Then he started to walk away until I shouted....

"He's your son, it just means you didn't raise him right if it's all true".

He turned around shocked and approached me again. "He isn't my son, I disowned him. I don't care about him. He means nothing to me."

"Okay he doesn't right? So why did you meddle in his life? You have no right to. You made me marry him when I said I didn't want to despite the fact that he's my mate. You insisted that I hurt him, ruin him and hate him. I did all those things and I got what? He doesn't know who I am, his body rejected mine. Our bond no longer exists".

I saw him slightly flinch at what I said...almost as if he was upset?

I held him by the collar and spoke again. "You did this! You made me hate him because of the stories you made up. You hurt him and you hurt me too. This entire act I pulled killed him".

The man scoffed and laughed at me. "Don't look at me like that kid, you too didn't like him". I looked down knowing he was right. "Yes, but if you hadn't fed me your lies I would have gotten to know him...to love him."

He spoke harshly. "You didn't have to listen to them, but you did". He poked my chest as he spoke with pure venom. "So don't give me that crap. Don't tell me it's all my fault".

"Yes, none of it's true. He doesn't care about money, because he was happy with anything we gave him. He isn't a slag because he's never been out the house...how would he fuck around? I said he killed his birth mother for money - Impossible because she died of cancer. He was only 5."

I looked at him shocked and slightly happy that I caught the truth and also recorded it. I was so happy because FINALLY!!! I cleared his name.

"You will pay for this, do you understand Mr Min? YOU. WILL . PAY. FOR. THIS."

He pushed me off and said. "Okay keep telling yourself that, just remember to tell my "son" how much you really love him". He was mocking this entire situation and it drove me insane. "Also I'm so happy that he finally lost his mate, now that piece of shit will forever be alone. I didn't even have to try...the poor little Jin did it himself." He tapped my cheek leaving me speechless and walked away.

Loving you...Isn't always easy - soulmate au (Jinkook, Jihope, NamTaeGi)Where stories live. Discover now