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Amelia didn't say much as she watched Emmett and Jasper practicing

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Amelia didn't say much as she watched Emmett and Jasper practicing. Edward kissed her head causing her to look at him smiling. She really hasn't said much since they discovered that Victoria and a newborn army was coming after them. "She hasn't said much?" Hanna asked them causing Edward to shake his head. "Amelia, you don't have to worry. Edward will keep you safe."

It's not that. The last time they saw us, I wasn't talking because of Edward's departure. I'm pregnant and scared and...

"Amelia, don't worry about it." Edward tells her. "I'm here to keep you two safe. I have to do my job to love you and protect you. Same for the baby."

Amelia nodded. Can we go to the Volturi about the baby? I don't want anymore drama.

"I will pass along the message." He tells her. "It's a good idea to let them and other covens know about the baby."

"What is she saying since she doesn't want to speak?" Braxton asked.


"You're an ass." Edward tells his brother who laughed.
Amelia smiled as she saw Bella and Jacob. "He imprinted on her." Edward tells her. "I'm going to practice."


"She speaks." Braxton says causing them to look at him. "I don't care if you're mute or not, Amelia. You're still family."

"Do you have a notebook?"

He nodded as he went to get it. Amelia found a spot on Emmett's Jeep to sit and pulled her pen out. Edward and Carlisle looked at Amelia as she started writing her new book. Braxton looked at Hanna who smiled as she went to her best friend. "Can I see?"

Amelia handed what she has written causing Hanna to smile.

This book is dedicated to the man that helped me find my voice once again.
Edward Cullen.

Bella walked over to them smiling as they both started looking at what Amelia wrote. Amelia looked at Edward as he looked at her making her smile. She has to tell him how she actually feels about all this.
After practice, Amelia sat in her room writing when Edward arrived. "Hey." She looked up and smiled. "You said you wanted to talk."

"Yeah." She said as she stood up and walked to him. "Moving here was the best. I met someone who accepted me for being mute and helped me find my voice." Edward smiled. "I love you, Edward and I know that there will be days we make mistakes or argue, but at the end of the day, our love is strong. You gave me a blessing and I would never ever stop loving you."

Edward kissed her causing her to smile. "I will never stop loving you, Amelia." He said looking at the ring on her finger. "When this is all over, I will marry you. Get you away from all the drama. Just us and when this one is born, I will take the three of us out of town and travel for a bit. Focusing on our family."

Amelia smiled as she took his hand and placed it on her small bump. "I didn't say much, but Hanna gave me some blood the other day as I was craving it thanks to this one. When I drink, the baby grows."

"Have you..." she handed him the journal. "Smart."

"Yeah." She said. "Carlisle might want to see this, but first there is a battle we have to end just so we can all have our peace and quiet. Then we can have that wedding."

"I love you, Mrs. Cullen."

Amelia smiled as she kissed him. "I love you, Mr. Cullen.'


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Mute-Edward Cullen Where stories live. Discover now