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To say that Amelia and Hanna wasn't happy that Bella showed up

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To say that Amelia and Hanna wasn't happy that Bella showed up. Edward stayed with Amelia as Hanna left to have a word with Braxton. "Edward?"

"It's fine." He tells her as he kissed her head. "Let's focus on this game."

Amelia smiled and hugged him. Edward kissed her before walking over to Emmet as Braxton joined. Hanna walked over to see Amelia writing a new book and smiled. "What's this one about?"

"A girl who meets a wolf." She replies. "They fall in love even though there's another who will try to separate them."

"Sounds interesting." Hanna tells her.

"Edward said the same thing."
As Amelia finished a chapter, Edward appeared in front of her making her look at him. "What's going on?" She asked as she referred to the stress look on his face.

"Nomads." He tells her as Amelia stood up and hugged Edward out of fear. "I got you." She smiled as she laid her head on his chest as she looked out towards the opening to see red eyes.

Hanna glared at them not wanting them harming her best friend. Bella noticed how Amelia and Edward were in each other's arms not panicking. Edward smiled as Amelia was comfortable, not once has she moved or showed fear.

Amelia watched closely as to what was going on. She stood far off as Edward stayed with her. She didn't hear a word as Edward heard everything. Braxton and Bella went to leave just for the wind to blow and for hell to break loose.
Amelia and Hanna sat in the empty house since Hope was comforting Charlie. A knock shook them making Hanna answer. Edward walked in surprising Amelia. "Why are you here? I thought you were..."

"No. After hearing what Braxton said, I couldn't help protect Bella." Amelia and Hanna gave him a look making him sigh. "He said that you were the reason that Bella is in danger, but it's her scent that caused this because Amelia has no scent."

"That's because she's been around a vampire for years now so her scent has been replaced and you as her mate makes it more unrecognizable." Hanna said. "I'm going to hunt and leave you two alone."

Amelia smiled and hugged Edward. "Ignore Braxton. He's just under a lot of stress due to James and he will apologize once this is all over."

"I hope your right."

"You know I am, Edward." He smiled at her as she went to the kitchen. "Help me take dinner to Charlie." Edward smiled at how nice Amelia was being. That was the one thing he hopes would never change. Amelia's kindness.

 Amelia's kindness

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