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Over the summer Braxton and Bella fought and he would go to Hanna which confused Amelia and Edward as they know the two hate each other

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Over the summer Braxton and Bella fought and he would go to Hanna which confused Amelia and Edward as they know the two hate each other. Amelia sat in the living room reading as she waited for Edward to pick her up. Hanna walked down on the phone with Braxton. "I don't know what to say Braxton. If you have this feeling that Bella belongs to someone else, tell her."

Amelia looked at her wondering what they were talking about and decided to call Alice. "Alice, what's going on?"

"Bella's future disappeared."

"What does that mean?"

"It means that she was just a blood singer. Not a mate."

Amelia was shocked by what she just heard. She looked at Hanna and wondered if that is they were actually mates.
Amelia was telling Edward everything that she thought. Edward was shocked by this information and knew right than and there that Hanna and Braxton were actually mates. "We have to find out more."

"Happy birthday." They heard Alice say and looked to see Bella trying to refuse the gift.

"She still wants to be turned?" Amelia questioned.

"I don't know." Edward tells her. "Let's just go to class."

Amelia nodded as she walked with Edward. He put his arm around her waist as they walked together to class. Whatever is going to happen, the two decided to leave it be.
"Bella." Braxton said as he walked over to her. "We need to talk." Hanna was walking to the restroom when she heard talking. "I feel like you belong to someone else. After I sucked the venom out, something changed. I don't know what it was, but I know it has something to do with us."

"Your saying I'm not your mate?" Bella questioned. "Does Alice see who I belong too?"

"She said she can't see you no more and doesn't know what that means." Braxton said. "I'm sorry, Bella."

Bella nodded as she watched Braxton leave. She was hurt that someone she thought was the love of her life declare they weren't mates hurt, but she hopes that there is someone that is like the Cullens that will turn her.

Hanna grabbed Braxton's arm and pulled him out of view. "Why the hell did you just do that?"

"Is there a reason why I couldn't?"

"Yes." Hanna tells him. "She's going to try to stick to you like glue till another vampire comes along that she belongs too."

Braxton sighed knowing she was right. Bella still loves him and she will stay till she finds her mate. He watched Hanna leave making him go to class. Not knowing why two enemies have grown closer.

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