His Sloth[Virat-Rohit]

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So I am starting this book with one of my favorite pairs.
Hope you enjoy it.

Virat had been in a horrendous mood all morning. Because apparently, no one was giving him attention, Anushka was out of town for a shoot so he couldn't call her and all of the team members had been busy with something or the other in addition, his best friend sleeping only escalated his sour mood.

Sometimes he really wondered about his best friend's sleeping powers but then again nothing was normal in ict.
He was itching to irritate him. It had been 6 hours 36 minutes and some seconds since they last brawled and since then he hadn't seen him. Had he been sleeping all this time? he mused.

His face brightened when a glorious idea(read prank) popped into his mind.
He immediately ran towards his room at jet speed. He unlocked the door and entered inside. How you may ask, he has the master key, can't trust him with things he says.

His eyes started looking for a sloth, his sloth.

On finding his sleeping beauty, he noticed his trembling figure.
Virat frowned. He slowly approached him. Very different from his usual self. Usually, he would yell, jump, kick around and do everything in his power to create chaos and wake his best friend up but today was different.

As he stood in front of him, he looked at his quivering self. He was profoundly sweating though running on high fever, his eyebrows furrowed together even in his sleep.
Virat's eyes immediately softened as he took complete notice of his condition. 

Couldn't come to me or anyone else, would suffer alone, idiot, he thought.

He gently shook him and quietly said, "Rohit wake up."
Rohit steered in his sleep and slowly opened his eyes to face a very worried Virat.

"sit back. I'll get some medicines for you." Virat said in a comforting voice as he helped Rohit in leaning against the headboard.

Customarily Rohit would have opposed his ideas but today he was too weak and tired to protest so he just nodded and rested his head backwards.

Virat came back in a jiffy with a thermometer, some medicines, bowl of cold water, and some stripes on a tray.

He put the thermometer in Rohit's mouth and again looked at his worn-out body. The thermometer beeped breaking him from his chain of thoughts. He deemed at the temperature reading and released a breath he didn't know he was holding. The temperature was not high, Rohit is going to be well soon.

He quickly passed on the medicines to him.

Rohit quietly took them and Virat helped him to lay back again.

Virat sat next to him and started placing the cold water stripes on his head. He grinned too when he noticed Rohit smiling.

Their relationship had always been this way. Yes, they always fought, teased, and pranked each other but when they needed someone Rohit could only think of Virat and vice versa.

Rohit was laid back chill guy whereas Virat was a hyperactive, high-on-sugar kid but maybe that's why they complimented each other well.
They could confide in anything in each other without worrying about being judged. They have had many philosophical, coffee nights on the terrace just talking and absorbing each other's presence. They could calm each other down instantly and give a sense of security and hope that yes everything will be alright. They never needed words to communicate or to understand what the other person was feeling or thinking.
And that is why when Rohit squeezed Virat's hand, he knew everything will be okay.

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