The Birthday Celebration 1[Virat-ICT]

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Virat had a huge grin on his face even when he was entirely covered in cream and cake.

He had Anushka and Vamika by his side, his entire team, and the fact they won a match made it even more special.

"Clean up Virat, we have a surprise for you." said Jaddu sweetly.

It was a little too sweet for Sir Jadeja and therefore Virat's grin quickly faltered.

"What is it? Because the last time you gave me a surprise it wasn't very pleasant." asked a very alarmed Virat.

Jaddu gave him a creepy-looking doll on his last birthday which laughed even more creepily, it still scared Virat sometimes in his dreams.

Jaddu laughed and shook his head, " your face when she laughed was the best but no this is a combined surprise from all of us."

Virat sighed in relief and then demanded, " tell me, what is it?"

"don't you understand the meaning of surprise?" said Rohit already stuffing the cake in his mouth.

"This is my birthday and I am the captain, I need to know." said Virat pompously.

"You really need to detox that ego." Rahul muttered snidely.

"loosen up skip, it'll be fun." said Harry, dragging Virat to his room.

"I am not so sure on that part." Bhuvi mumled under his breath and Jassi who stood near him nodded his head in agreement.

According to them, the plan was extremely dangerous but having no choice they had to agree.


Everyone looked at the bright-colored red van and then at Rohit, who apparently had arranged for it.

"I couldn't get anything else this quick." said Rohit, defensively.

Virat rolled his eyes. Everyone would notice it, it was like a daisy in the field of sunflowers.

"so we are traveling somewhere ." said Virat, raising his brows.

"how smart Virat", commented Ash drily.

"We don't have the entire day, get in quick." said Rohit impatiently.

"it's actually night."  said Virat innocently.

Everyone sniggered.

"very funny." said Rohit with a tight smile.

Not having any better choice, everyone climbed into it.

Once they were all settled, Harry screamed, "hit the roads."

Jassi glared at him and pulled him back which did not affect him in the slightest he still had a cheshire grin.

Jaddu made his way to the front, cleared his throat, and started, " the surprise is an hour ride from here so we are going to blindfold you."

"of course not." Virat protested immediately.

Rohit magically produced a blindfold and put it on Virat's eyes.

"stop moving otherwise we would need to tie your hands and legs as well."  said Rohit sneering.

" you won't dare." said Virat as he gasped dramatically.

" shut up." said Rohit, rolling his eyes.

The entire journey to the destination was Virat constantly poking Rohit asking if they reached.

" can we just tape his mouth." Rohit finally exclaimed irritatedly.

"go on if you want", Rahul shrugged his shoulders.

"I really don't understand why everyone is being mean to someone as innocent as me and that too on my birthday." wailed Virat.

Everyone rolled their eyes at him again.

After what felt like an eternity, the van stopped.

Rohit held Virat from one side and Jaddu from the other.

Jaddu pushed Virat out who apparently was too slow. Virat almost fell on his face if Rohit didn't hold him in place while Virat mumbled some disparaging words.

"Now you can remove your blindfold." said Jaddu cheerfully.

Virat blinked his eyes a few times to retain composure. As soon as he saw what was in front of him, his eyes widened.

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