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The Kohli and Sharma family decided to meet for brunch that day.

"Rits I think we should go for some shopping. It's been a while." said Anushka excitedly.

"I know right. It's been so long but the kids?" said Ritika.

Both the wives whipped their head towards their husbands who looked more kids then the two toddlers sitting there happily.

" God Rohit, you can't eat that, it's so oily." said Virat, scrunching his face in disgust.

" oh shut up, we are humans not cows who eat salad all the time." said Rohit, still engrossed in enjoying his pav bhaji.

Nobody knew if Rohit was having breakfast or lunch.

Virat was about to lift Rohit's plate when he heard Anushka clearing his throat.

He looked at her to see her raising his eyebrows in stop troubling my bro sort of manner.

Virat grumbled as he retreated back mumbling about the sharma siblings.

"I'll throw you out of the team." Virat tried again though he knew it won't affect Rohit but just so you know to provoke him.

" you won't because you can't live without me." said Rohit dramatically.

Virat rolled his eyes.

But it was true, he had shared his room more with Rohit than Anushka. He was so used to being with him that if he wasn't there he seemed a lot more cranky and dull.

"we are thinking of going out for shopping. Will you guys he able to look after the kids?" asked Anushka breaking Virat's trance.

They nodded solemnly.

They both loved spending time with their daughter and nieces a little too much to miss any opportunity.

After the breakfast, they both made way to Virat's house while the ladies directly went for shopping.

Rohit entered the house and instantly sprawled on the couch as if it was his own and closed his eyes.

Virat again almost rolled his eyes at his lazy behavior but his eyes also softened on seeing his best friend being so used to his house.

Each other's house was like a second home to them.

He gently placed Vamika next to Rohit making sure she won't fall and made his way to the bed room to keep his stuff while Sammy followed him.

The duo happily chatted.

Vamika crawled a bit and sat on Rohit's stomach. He opened his eyes to see a giggling baby sitting on him comfortably.

Rohit smiled too and started playing with her.

Virat who was back then, looked at the adorable sight and took out his phone to click the picture, grinning.

He quickly forwarded the picture to the team's WhatsApp group.

Many people awwed at the sight, like Jassi, Bhuvi, Kul and Jinks and yeah, that's it.

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