The Ultimate Revenge 1[Virat-Rohit-Jinks]

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Rohit needed revenge.

Virat with the help of Jaddu had managed to pull a vile and hideous  prank on him by hiding all his midnight eatables and setting the alarm clock on repetitive alarms for the entire night which according to him was the most awful crime in the world and demanded immediate retaliation.

Jaddu was already on Virat's side and Harry and Shikhar weren't there to help him execute something. All the others wouldn't help him either but he needed an assistant.

His eyes suddenly lit up and he ran towards his best friend's room.

He slowly entered Jinks's room, his shoulders slumped, his face showing extreme sadness.

Jinks looked at him perturbed and asked, " what happened Rohit?" because Rohit genuinely looked really upset.

Rohit said nothing and instead sat beside him and sighed very audibly for Jinks to hear.

"Virat happened." he answered after a few moments.

"huh." Jinks looked at him confusion, waiting for him to elaborate.

"he pranked me, again." replied Rohit, sadness quite evident in his voice.

Jinks shook his head in disappointment and muttered, "when will this idiot stop."

He then turned his head towards Rohit and soothingly said, " you don't worry, Rohit. I'll talk to him. "

Rohit shook his head and said, " no I think we should prank him back."

Jinks's eyes widened in horror and he immediately said shook his head in negative.

"come on Jinks, he pranks everyone around with Jaddu but no one does anything to him and that had encouraged that idiot even more. Shouldn't he have a taste of his own medicine." pleaded Rohit desperately, trying to convince Jinks to join hands with him.

Jinks thought for a moment and then sighing nodded his head because maybe Rohit was right, Virat was a bit overconfident that no one would prank him and it would be fun to see the captain go wrong.

"Brilliant." cried Rohit happily.

"I have the entire plan laid out." added Rohit a bit evilly which made Jinks gulp and question his choice but nodded nevertheless.


The next day Virat barged into Rohit's room angrily where apparently the entire team was spending the day.

Everyone looked up to glance at the intruder and after staring at Virat for a second howled in laughter while Virat took deep breaths to control his growing anger.

"Who.Did.This?" he asked very calmly, emphasizing every syllable, very unlike his usual demur when angry as he  pointed towards his brightly colored neon pink hair.

No one was in the state to answer him as they shrieked in laughter even more.

Virat looked at Rohit who was laughing the loudest of them all, well of course after Sir Jadeja. He had a hypothetical stream coming from his ears because he looked that furious.

"you! You did this." said Virat indignantly pointing an accusing finger at Rohit.

" I didn't, I swear. I was with Jassi the entire night and now with these people since morning." Rohit answered patiently.

"but whoever did it, did it right." he continued and exploded in laughter yet again.

" yes Virat bhaiya, Rohit bhai didn't do anything, he is with me since last night." said Jassi trying to maintain a straight face without bursting out.

Virat glared at all of them and they solemnly nodded their head indicating a no.
Virat looked at Rohit one more time who looked back at him very innocently and stormed out of the room angrily muttering something about catching the prankster and coloring his hair neon green on the match day.

Rohit caught Jinks's eyes and winked to which Jinks replied with a small smile for once  actually enjoying the skipper's trouble.

Everyone was busy trying to get their breaths back to normal to notice their eye exchange.


Virat sat in his room with a pen and paper crossing out people's names who could do this evil to his precious hair.

Vamika had cried looking at his ugly hair on the video call and he had wailed to Anushka about the same who later told him about prank dye that wears off in a week and thankfully he had a week before the match before chortling at his expense as well.

He needed to catch the monstrous culprit of his hair. Jaddu was already on his side. Rohit could be the one but he was with Jassi and the boy wouldn't lie. Jinks wouldn't do it. Would he? No of course not, thought Virat.

He sighed, in exasperation and closed his notebook.

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